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  1. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    fuuuuck never seen that one before, that bloke was well dead tho by the time they shot it.
  2. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    lolol stupid fucker didnt even move out the way?!? i no its there traditions n whatnot but all that fucking about with the bulls just stupid n cruel, quite a few die every year on them bull run malarkys...
  3. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    better lax? lol
  4. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    leave it out lax they just tame mate, a rabid devil dog and a donkey sucking himself off lol
  5. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    it his cum-face at the end that cracked me up lol filthy donkey lol
  6. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    i aint been about much geezer havent seen ya say nowt about it, just went n weighed meself arrrrrghhhh took me belt off all the change out me pockets,phone shoes was gonna go el naked lol computer says im a seriously fat cunt lol them poxy machines in boots aswel they shout out the machine...
  7. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    on a brighter note lmao
  8. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    sorry to hear that, aint really a convo for a public thread hope you sort it out or dont let it do ya nut in mate.
  9. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    fair play mate, is abit shitty getting stung that many times, splitting with the missus??? thought you was about to get a house together an that geezer fuck. has taken me the best part of 6months now lol to sort things out with the missus, think im just gonna behave meself nowdays too much...
  10. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    soso Z could have been a kid mate, they are street dogs aswel. i was more shocked at what the dog took and didnt miss a bite...
  11. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    cunts... where ya off to dream or alpha?
  12. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    yeah was thinking that meself don why didnt one of the police just shoot it? did you get that order from nuc mate? looks like its a gonna, 5mil they reckon they had.
  13. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    one double-ard bastard of a dog, pepper sprayed,beaten,tasered to the gonads and it still dont give up shiiiiiit....
  14. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    too many variables to say how much you would yield its the impossible question, how much light,skills,space etc etc but done right you will yield more in hydro than you will in coco or soil. but hydro is much less forgiving than coco/soil and you read like your new to the game so better to...
  15. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    no its not a lot its about average for a soil/coco grow with 2x600, in hydro you could get much much more.
  16. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    yeah i was lucky meself Don, had a decent sized order sent out literally less than 24hr before it went down, got delivered fine but of course now carnt release the coins, am hoping it comes back had a good account on there hate fucking starting afresh on a new market having to fe etc.
  17. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    fucking nucleus is gone by the looks of it, maybe just a hack tho cause they aint emptying there coins (yet) dream or alpha it is i spose, dont really like either but needs must, prob go with dream.
  18. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    i aint had a dog meself for you yrs but i do member me dad and they can get to that challenging stage when they got all that testing ya around 12-18months dont think she wants to risk it, dosent having them nuted calm em down some? not that hes a terror or nowt hes good as gold but its all...
  19. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    thanks slipper, i no you no ur rotties i repect ya opion, we went to look at a few and they ranged from 200-300 to 700-1200 wanted a goodun so you no there bloodlines and whatnot, got a 6yr niece in the house but well pleased with him hes got a real mellow obedient personality and me sis is good...
  20. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    thanks, yeah im pleased with him hes got a real good temperament aswel. should be a nice size, his parents looked good Dad mum