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  1. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    get a lil half of proper in don helps ease the trimming pain a little....
  2. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    got me mate dropping me of a Q of exo soon, aint had a joint in ages will destroy me, spliff n mst lol nice, could do with a oxy n few vals to top of me spliff meself lol yeah they worth a watch them underbelly series especially if ya like your true crime etc
  3. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    yeah they are them ozzy crims, the 1st season of underbelly is about the melbourne ecstasy wars really well done and just a entertaining watch, then theres the follow up to season 1 called fat tony n co that was bloody good. season 3 was real good too n about the dodgy part of sydney and...
  4. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    need something new to watch will have to give it a go, is total bollax about song of ice n fire a proper sell out fair enough i spose must be good to see your story brought to life like that but im shore the extra zillions hes making from it compared to the books helps lol just reread book 5...
  5. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    yeah bloody good was sopranos, aint many i aint seen tbh lol you ever seen a Australian show called underbelly? each season is a different story all based on true crime storys well worth a watch. am looking forward to the new peaky blinders aswel that was good.
  6. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    game of thrones was good, total fucking sell-out starting season 6 as a tv show before the books out?!? but still was pretty bloody good, gotta be up there with best tv shows ever made. breaking bad game of thrones sopranos the wire sons of anarchy my top 5 anyway.
  7. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    narcos was quality mate i really enjoyed it, you ever seen them doc cocaine cowboys 1 n 2? griselda blanco was mental lol
  8. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    lol fucking el makka thats abit rough mate, dunno bout cutting it out with a scalpal?!? theres a emergency dentist at the hosp up here but they useless, was different in london tho was much the same was up there quicktime and they had it out quick but made ya sign some form incase they fucked it...
  9. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    yeah its shit mate, think i got a hole in the tooth needs filling gonna go dentist mon if they dont sort it then its some gear,booze n pliers lol
  10. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    thinking that meself Z thats all the fucking dentist gonna do... minus the vods and i hate them numbing injections aint the the needles that dont bother me but that numbing n carnt feel ya face shit does me nut in, vod,coke n pliers me thinks lol
  11. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    deffo need to be stoned to watch 5mins of that mate lol got a fucking bad toothache need some decent painkillers these poxy codeine/paracetamol shite aint worth a cup of cold piss....
  12. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    have found me vocation in life lol either that or i was pissed again n craving em... was doing well with the booze but last few nights been drinking again never guess hay what with all the shite i been posting lol anyways, morning. is looking quite nice out there today gonna take my lazy self...
  13. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    just cause its such a strong benzo Z and them sick fucks who wana do that shit dont wana chance it with a diazepam,lorazepam,clonzepam yeah 95% will do the same as if on rohypnol but try spiking mine or lax drink with one and we gonna just ask for another one lmao all people got very difference...
  14. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    its just a real strong benzo mate n i like benzos, the date rape stuff was justa loud of media bullshit you could give any young pissed up girl a valium,lorazepam,clonzepam and it would do much the same, same with any inexperienced male with a benzo and large amounts of booze, media just jumped...
  15. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    glad to hear ya doing well geezer, i no what ya saying bout the lying feel a right twat lol all the shit ive got into fessing up when i just needed to stick to me fucking story this power of denial is bloody great lol found a uk vendor of 2mg rohypnol tho 5wks im getting a few they expensive as...
  16. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    lmao ya wanker i new you was on the fekking windup when i just got 12 likes was thinking im poplar or something lol then i see its lax the fucker lol hows ya doing mate?
  17. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    underfed, bin em lol
  18. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    yeah i do love me hash, smoked loads of different hash's from the darknet one of me favs tho was this pure sativa hash i got from the Philippines a few didnt like it tbh it was well different than any Moroccan/afghan hash's, proper uppy racey high.
  19. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    i rarely smoke much else but the exo mate not cause i like it that much just refuse to buy street shit and its all i grow, when i am smoking that is havent been smoking much at all recently. had a nice 8th of king Hussan or whatever its called hash a month or so ago, was a lovely bit of hash.
  20. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    that looks alot like the stuff ive had from london a while back, knocked me for 6 and me tolerance was way up at the time well exo tolerance anyway, but got a some of very samey looking amnesia and it destroyed me lol