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  1. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    5mg diazepam isnt a blue tab? always been blues are 10mg. sounds like a right cowboy of a vendor...
  2. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    do the 15mg's give much of buzz then makka? ive had the 100s yrs n yrs ago just made me feel sick, but i no they deffo work for most people tbh most opiates make me sick bar the 40s n 80s time release oxys, i do like them lol fucking expensive tho a singe 80 cost about £40
  3. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    5s are yellow 10s are blue try maligans 2mg clonzepam you wont be disapointed, can get a tester order of 22 cost roughly 20quid, they come from hungary.
  4. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    no they been about a while now the 1's with the dapoxetine in aswel, pizfa lost the patent to Viagra yrs ago so anybody can make sildenifil/viagra nowdays.
  5. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    2 pumps n a squirt hay lol you can get Viagra nowdays that has the dapaoxetine in aswel, them cialis are really good aswel if you not tried em.
  6. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    if ya wanting pain meds for a family member i certainly wouldnt be buying cheap indian generics lol yeah sometimes they ok but more often than not they underdosed or now n then your get a batch that has been overdosed. a single uk pharm 100mg mscontin gos for 15quid on the dn makka so 2/3quid...
  7. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    ordering from abroad is no probs theres so much post coming into the country that theres no way they looking for small letters etc ive ordered from all around the world India,Canada,Philippines, to name a few and never lost nowt, had over 100 completed orders on SR1 and that was a while ago now...
  8. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    just waiting on las to veg up, we both been slacking tbh i owe him a exo which i still aint done, aint really been around the grow for a while been down here visiting me family, he said he will sort it tho las so can only go by that mate.
  9. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    real nice looking staff you see so many about nowday but not too many looking nice like that, i like em can be abit hyper some of em but agreed its how you bring em up. hicupping 30mins lol some bloke in the Guinness book of record had the hicups for something crazy like yrs lmao Longest...
  10. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    no mate i never had anything of legaleyez apart from the grenade speed pills, im not saying hes any great vendor just that hes been around a long time over various markets you dont do that by scamming etc i mainly use a vendor called maligan hes been around since sr1 and always kept a perfect...
  11. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    ive used legaleyez a few times for the grenade speed pills that he sells never had a prob, hes always had a few mixed reviews makka he mainly sells fake coke lol people think they getting a bargain at 30-40 a g i dunno but its cheap and just shite, but hes sold a lot of it over the yrs.
  12. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    legaleyez has actually been around a long time now, use to mainly sell repressed pubgrub coke. thats a nice mix makka the mscontin,blues n weed bet ya getting your chill on lol
  13. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    the mutt hes 4 n half months old now n getting big.
  14. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    yeah im alrite makka aint been up to a great deal mate, just down visiting me family at the mo they got that virgin 150mb net so thats sweet have been downloading loads, back home next wk need to sort the grow out with me mate, shore is nice tho back at mums having everything done for ya lol ark...
  15. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    is that the book bout english bloke who does the prison coke tours? they would bribe the guards and let backpackers into the prison for a night lol they where actually making the sniff inside the prison lol great read mate ive read it a few times. thats what other reviews have said same as you...
  16. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    been quite a few people moaning it smells strange? dont look the part? ive not tried it tho mate just what ive read, dunno what a acc on nucleus cost roughly 200 me thinks deffo a market for internal delivery vendors in your area tho
  17. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    yes mate they would sell on the darknet especially with you being able to to domestic internal deliverys, worth about 5quid a tab irish in england so you could easy get 8-10 euro a tab over there. mcgregor is fucking nuts mate but i like him hes entertaining, yeah some mixed reports on that...
  18. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    your get good money for them over there from people into there heroin but apart from that most wont even no what they are, also irish be careful who you sell em too cause very easy to o.d on oxy n fucking die lol think i took roughly 200mg in various pills over a day n night whilst taking...
  19. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    tbh irish id give em a miss, the instant release oxy tends to make people with no opiate tolerance sick they did me, ive had the 5mg before uk script stuff and they made me sick, not like a 40mg or a 80mg where your buzz nicely for hrs n hrs with the time release coating. im no oxy expert tho...
  20. 1

    The UK Growers Thread! is much easier, just get a straight person to open a account there you need quite a bit of i.d but its all legal, buying bitcoins is totally legal. the bitcoin atm's are about makka, few in london and im shore up north too, one of the first was put in dublin a few yrs ago i...