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  1. ronnynator

    No Memory For 5 Days!?!?!

    Ok so i woke up in my bed today, feeling like i had just got drunk off my ass, i remember taking like 4 Xanax and smoking some home grown grand daddy purp at my friends house, and getting in his truck that was on the 8th. ITS THE 13TH i have no clue what happened!! this was my third time getting...
  2. ronnynator

    First serated leaves?

    alright, thanks. im just paranoid, there like my kids.
  3. ronnynator

    First serated leaves?

    Ok, so I have two plants ones a week old, ands the other is 4 days old. Is it ok if there both growing serated leaves but the leaves on the 4 day old are bigger and has them before the seed shell fell off?
  4. ronnynator

    Just Sprouted!!!

    Alright thanks the light was a little off I readjusted it, happy growing.
  5. ronnynator

    Just Sprouted!!!

    thank you guys and if my baby starts growing sideways is that a lighting problem? Never grew from a seed before lol.
  6. ronnynator

    Just Sprouted!!!

    Hey guys its my very first indoor grow starting from a seed, i usually start from a Sour Diesel clone that my friend gives to me but he got busted by the cops *:wall:* .and now i need to know if from these pictures my plant looks like its healthy. Its only 3 days old and im using foxfarm soil...