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  1. ronnynator

    Robitussin CF, can it make you trip?

    Alright thank you, and guru I know it's pretty stupid but took acid once and now I crave any way to get even close to that experience, but were I live the best I could do is get an acid based xtc, and it's just not the same...
  2. ronnynator

    Robitussin CF, can it make you trip?

    I went to the store today and bought some because i was sick, and then a friend told me that it can make you trip, but also makes your stomach hurt, and im thinking about smoking some mids and taking a little over the recomended dosage. Will anything happen what so ever?
  3. ronnynator

    Making my plants branch out?

    alright it didnt tear or break, and you said 2 days to heal wich will result in 2 apical meristems correct?
  4. ronnynator

    Making my plants branch out?

    ok thanks:) and how would you know if the stem broke, would it pop? and what happens if the stem did break?
  5. ronnynator

    Making my plants branch out?

    ok so i googled it and every thing and found that if you bend the main part of the stem under the top leaves to were their pointing at the ground the plant will branch out and i was wondering if i did it right... and this is one of my 5 plants so im not TO worried if i messed up.
  6. ronnynator

    How much does a dime weigh in your city?

    Haha I was just wondering, and when you live in fort worth Texas and buy from pussy ass connects your lucky to get a dime.
  7. ronnynator

    How much does a dime weigh in your city?

    Just wondering, lol im pretty damn high and this seemed like a good question..:bigjoint:
  8. ronnynator

    (Pics included) Do the seedling and the container its in look ok?

    ok, thank you so much. :) peace
  9. ronnynator

    (Pics included) Do the seedling and the container its in look ok?

    alright, thanks for the help bro, ill go to home depot and get some cfls, its just i live in texas, and people around here get realll nosey.
  10. ronnynator

    (Pics included) Do the seedling and the container its in look ok?

    I heated a screw driver and poked holes in it, and up untill yesterday i was using a halogen light, way to hot but its all they had i got it and my other plants under a hps light now. It will start growing again right??
  11. ronnynator

    (Pics included) Do the seedling and the container its in look ok?

    The plant is 3 weeks old, And i know that its stretching ive fixed the light and got an oscilating fan. Thank you ahead of time :bigjoint: I know the pics are blurry, i have a new phone with a shitty camera.
  12. ronnynator

    No Memory For 5 Days!?!?!

    growyurown,no hostility yea, if you were truely a stoner you wouldnt want to be hostile... After all this is a website based on marijuana not pills and coke and shit.
  13. ronnynator

    Left seeds germinating for to long... HELP.

    Thank you for your help:) fingers crossed..
  14. ronnynator

    Left seeds germinating for to long... HELP.

    Thank you soo much for the replies... i was SOOOO scared.. its like leaving a kid unattended and watching them die.
  15. ronnynator

    No Memory For 5 Days!?!?!

    Thanks for teh help haha, i was planning on one night of fun, and missed five days of work. I told my boss i had to go to colorado cuz my Grandmother was sick lol.
  16. ronnynator

    Left seeds germinating for to long... HELP.

    I had a recent incedent with xanax and was out for like 5 or so days, and apperantly i had seeds germinating, with the paper towel method, and they already got there tap root and shedded there shells!!! if i plant them now and get them water immediately will they still grow, they were from some...
  17. ronnynator

    Seedling help!

    ok thank you easy rider, those are all the problems ive been having :) i got payed today so tomorrow i will make a trip to home depot and buy a new light bulb and maybe depending on prices a fan.
  18. ronnynator

    Seedling help!

    ok thanks for the reply. :)
  19. ronnynator

    Seedling help!

    Im using a halogen light 72 watts 1490 lumins and yes i have a fan blowing on it but its not oscilating, which kind of light should i use?
  20. ronnynator

    Seedling help!

    shes 2 and a half weeks old does she look ok, and are her cotelydons are turning yellow with a brown spot on one of them is she ok? Just wondering if shes gonna turn out ok.:leaf: