Just Sprouted!!!


Hey guys its my very first indoor grow starting from a seed, i usually start from a Sour Diesel clone that my friend gives to me but he got busted by the cops *:wall:* .and now i need to know if from these pictures my plant looks like its healthy.
Its only 3 days old and im using foxfarm soil, and regular tap water, also sunlight when its bright out (i live in texas) and a 250 Watt HPS light. I just need some Guidance Hahaha.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
congrats! all 7 of my seeds germed and 2 have sprouted :) I'm so excited I can't help but check on them like every half hour lol I'm using outdoor light (when i get direct sun on the lanai) and then a shitty fluorescent tube, just until the good light arrives probably in a week or so.


Well-Known Member
congrats!! Seems alot of us noobies are starting up at the same time. Hope yours goes well, ive run into a lil trouble myself, apparently with over watering, even tho i feel if anything ive underwatered...but look whats happened, try to be careful
seedling.jpgView attachment 1673427


thank you guys and if my baby starts growing sideways is that a lighting problem? Never grew from a seed before lol.


Well-Known Member
ifs its healthy looking but its growing towards where the lights coming from..then id say its the position of your light


Active Member
exactly as hank say if its leaning to one side its just reaching towards the light all you got to do is move it so its directly under the light then it will grow straight again