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  1. F

    thick trunks??????

    wow...looking at all these pics I should have topped my plant sooner. They're at 6 feet and didn't snip until 12 nodes. The branches on mine are scrawny and yours are all beefy. Hping its just genetics but I doubt it
  2. F

    Heart Stopping Headline: Ruth Bader Ginsburg Is...

    After George Washington appointed her, her wagon train was attacked by Indians.. Not to mention the whole Black Plague scare. so after all that she should pull through I do wish her well as I don't wish bad health on anyone.....but she needs to hang it up
  3. F

    Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

    My debt ridden ass is what pays the taxes for your free loading welfare ass
  4. F

    Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

    Actually it's is the young white and black that are so filled with entitlement they feel it's their right to destroy 100 year old statues and burn down the businesses of the innocent.....ya know, terrorist self entitled scum of the earth
  5. F

    Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

    It is. They're letting criminals out on the street for no reason whatsoever to terrorize our communities every day of the week in those fantastic liberal states
  6. F

    Jack's Bloom or Ultraviolet for flowering or....????

    That's fine. You can call it what you want but at the end of the day flower ferts are always higher in P. If you give them a balanced diet will the extra P really make a difference? What I read and it make sense was that what makes a plant flower is light wavelength, daylight time, genetics and...
  7. F

    Jack's Bloom or Ultraviolet for flowering or....????

    I just read a blog that says bloom booster is nothing but a fallacy. THe plants will only take up what they need and adding P in flower does nothing. There is plenty in any balanced fert and adding more just throws off the balance locking out some other micro nute.......I like to see things on...
  8. F

    Nitrogen deficiency or normal?

    Off topic but how often do you water? I have potted plants similar size and pot size. They don't "seem" to ever need water wilting wise. Whats your feed EC/water only schedule. Sorry for the hijack. 86 here everyday and no much rain. First outside grow....Learning as I go
  9. F

    Bloom boosters: BS or Necessity?

    You are correct. It's 18-18- 21 I'm using. Good to hear many people use it start to finish with good results. I guess I'll continue using it for flower. I'm underfeeding if anything. I'm at day 80 and just fertilized for the first time 6 days ago and they seem to be liking it. Will be giving...
  10. F

    Bloom boosters: BS or Necessity?

    So then why all the hate for MG around here. I could see if your were going full organic but salts are salts. I'm using MG 18-18-10 on my outdoor plants and there seem fine at 5 feet tall. I was going to switch to some sort of bloom booster in a couple weeks but now I'm second guessing that. I...
  11. F

    Trump will win 2020

    Yup....he'll win The liberal tears will flow like liquid gold and I'll be laughing all the way to the bank
  12. F

    F'ck dairy quenn and the cow they are humping.....

    So you were the guy in a bicycle helmet, spandex shorts and half shirt......I thought that was you
  13. F

    F'ck dairy quenn and the cow they are humping.....

    And there it is. Your the clown on every site that's always commenting on everyone's grammar.....I bet you call everything besides an IPA Piss water. It took 2 seconds to figure you out. Every site needs a clown....and that's you :clap::clap::clap::clap:
  14. F

    F'ck dairy quenn and the cow they are humping.....

    Oh my fucking I heard it all. Dairy Queen is Racists. Probably why why they're always pushing vanilla ice cream....are you even kidding me with this nonsense.
  15. F

    F'ck dairy quenn and the cow they are humping.....

    Because he's a little Bitch who's mother didn't give him enough attention. So he becomes a cell phone warrior instigating people for a the ultimate dick that he is. He needs a swift kick in the nuts but most likely has a tuck under and man bun so it wouldn't do much good
  16. F

    F'ck dairy quenn and the cow they are humping.....

    The guy filming is a little bitch looking for a reaction. Typical POS pussy looking for 15 minutes of useless fame...once again half a video that tells half a story....he probably worked up a thirst tearing down a statue that offended him
  17. F

    Supreme Court will argue on the phone in real time about releasing Trump's taxes May 12-13.

    THen so does every Town and state employee......YOU pay into the pot that pays their salary. and THEY decide how your money is being think they're giving up their tax returns.....not a chance. Nor would anyone expect them to.......but Trump, you feel its your RIGHT to see his...
  18. F

    Supreme Court will argue on the phone in real time about releasing Trump's taxes May 12-13.

    So then that would be every town highway worker....School employee, even the janitor in the schools. How is he cleaning the school with MY tax dollar. The list literally goes on forever if you take the attitude of its MY money and I deserve the right to know all your personal finances. Just...