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  1. F

    Can't get rid of powdery mildew

    I'm just using milk and Potassium Bicarbonate for now. I picked up H202 to work into the rotation if the other doesn't work All perfectly healthy. We just had a quick change to cool dry air for the next 10 days at least. I'm hoping the combination keeps it under control.
  2. F

    Flower stage lagging, can I add nutes if it hasnt ever had any ?

    I've actually read to much of one nute and not enough of another actually locks out nutrients. I think next year I'm just going to try a balanced fet like 20-20-20 the whole grow and see what happens. I have a feeling it will just as good as a 10-20-10 type fert. Will be a good test
  3. F

    Flower stage lagging, can I add nutes if it hasnt ever had any ?

    I have 3 plants of the the same strain. One is lagging behind the other 2 by a lot. I would say a full 2 weeks behind on budding if not more. It seems some plants just take longer. I'm going to say you cant force an outdoor plant to flower by bumping the nutes. I've used MG tomato food for...
  4. F

    Can't get rid of powdery mildew

    Walgreens had the 3%. Getting some today. What would the concentration be per gallon and I'll do the math with my sprayer. I just went out and sprayed about 15% milk and 1 1/2 teaspoons of potassium Bicarbonate in a liter of water and the PM pretty much vanished. There is still very light...
  5. F

    Can't get rid of powdery mildew

    The 3 amigos..... Their 8' tall trees I hope they make it I'm hoping to get at least a couple pounds. Would suck to lose them this late in the game so I really need to figure this out
  6. F

    Can't get rid of powdery mildew

    Pandemic paranoia means zero Peroxide anywhere from CVS to supermarkets and everything in between. I wanted to try Peroxide before anything else but its disappeared off the shelf worse than Toilet paper. That's why I tried the other options
  7. F

    Can't get rid of powdery mildew

    I'm mid flower with nice big nugs, Branches are getting heavy and look great and are getting sticky Don't want to lose this harvest and want to let it ride till the correct harvest time. I'm thinking another month. How do I Kill this and save my buds? Should I up Potassium Bicarbonate? If so...
  8. F

    Can't get rid of powdery mildew

    Outdoor grow in the middle of my lawn. Plenty of airflow.its been humid but temps are dropping this week down to mid 70's during the day. I've tried 20% milk/water a week ago followed by another spray 4 days later. Didn't help. I Just tried potassium bicarbonate at 3/4 teaspoon per liter. It...
  9. F

    Shut it the fuck down

    I condemn all terrorism. Like the scumbag that shot up the school with all the little kids in Sandy Hook. Scum of the Earth and deserved a slow painful death. Why cant you condemn the liberal scum of the earth terrorists destroying our country right now
  10. F

    Shut it the fuck down

    Uhh.... their is domestic terrorism happening right now in every city by black and white snot nosed liberal children that think its their right to destroy other people's property while throwing spears made out of sharpened PVC at police.....actual terrorists
  11. F

    Shut it the fuck down

    oh my F'in God. Someone has a different opinion and you call for a citation with ZERO reason. What was said was as vanilla as everyone you call a racist.....time to get fitted for your clown suit
  12. F

    Shut it the fuck down

    This whole forum is like that.....why do think it's so amusing. It's like arguing with 7th graders....which I'm fairly certain there are plenty of on this site, LEAVE ME ALONE MOM, I'M IN MY SAFE PLACE
  13. F

    Shut it the fuck down

    But Deblasio made it LAW that all gatherings are far do dangerous and a near death warrant.....except of course for protestors, the virus wont affect them.....what a laughable DICK LOL To be fair to the virus, the virus is smart enough not to into a mob of violent looting arsonists vandalizing...
  14. F

    Pot size da man!!
  15. F

    Pot size

    I used MG soil and MG fertilizer and my plants are nearing 7 feet. Don't believe the MG haters. I have around 30 gallons pots. One of them is in your basic rubbermaid street size garbage can and is doing great
  16. F

    Pot size

    wholly crap!!!
  17. F

    Shut it the fuck down

    How do you figure? According to Deblasio t's perfectly safe to protest elbow to elbow by the thousands. Surely schools must be safe.
  18. F

    Shut it the fuck down

    Schools will reopen because it's non political. Both parties have kids and it's making their life difficult having them home. Just more proof the virus is more about politics than an actual virus
  19. F

    Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

    The condom your men use before making you squeal like a pig