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  1. F

    What insect is this?

    These are flying on and off my plant...not a ton but enough. They are about a half inch long..what are they? Can they cause damage? They dont seem to be eating anything but I'm worried about eggs and future damage I'm in New York
  2. F

    No side branches

    300w mars. THe nodes are tight around 2 inches and grew branches as I would expect under the light. Once I moved them outside I got very little branching, almost none, and around 8 inch spacing on the nodes. The package says " break out your orchard ladder" for this species. So I don't know if...
  3. F

    No side branches

    I was on the fence topping an outdoor plant, I read mixed reviews. But I topped 2 days ago hoping to force side growth. (June 14). I tried fimming for the first time.
  4. F

    No side branches

    it seems odd they would branch well under a 300w led but hardly branch at all in the sun....same plant same genetics. All 3 are the same lemon kush
  5. F

    No side branches

    I moved my plants outside and they have not produced nearly the branches they did when under the lights. I started the little one A couple weeks after the bigger one... It has no side branches whatsoever after 6 weeks. The bigger plants you can see have lots of the side branches from when...
  6. F

    What node to top for outdoor grow?

    I've read 6 others say double that. Looking for the most bud. Size of plant doesnt matter for stealth. Looking for whatever method will yield the most Also, what node to top side branches, I've read 3 or 4. Does that sound right and is that for all branches top to bottom?
  7. F

    Painting pots white for less heat

    I just moved my plants outside. The pots are noticeably hot in the sun and its only late may. Anyone paint there pots white to deflect the heat? Would it help? Don't want to cook the roots all summer
  8. F

    More sun during veg or flower?

    One grow site has more sun in the summer and less in the fall due to where my trees are. Another side of my yard has more sun in the fall and less in the summer Whats more important, More sun during veg or flower? Neither are dense shade and both have the same airflow....its just the sun that...
  9. F

    latest date to Germ seeds for outdoor grow?

    I'm on Long Island so not to far away from you. I thought the 12/12 days started around mid august in my area but could be wrong. First outdoor grow. I want monster plants for the cool factor
  10. F

    latest date to Germ seeds for outdoor grow?

    I realize you can start them anytime you want and just get a smaller plant yield. But is there a general rule of thumb between normal germ date and "getting to late". I'm thinking of starting a few extra seeds but not sure if its worth it. As of today 4/26 the seeds wouldn't sprout until very...
  11. F

    US based seed banks that take Paypal Venmo CC

    DC seed Exchange takes Cash App. I downloaded the app send money and had a tracking number the next day. Real easy. Put 4 seeds in paper towel and they all popped. Put them in soil last night. Hoping for some green in the next day or 2.
  12. F

    First dirt's my plan

    Fem Seeds coming tomorrow Lemon Kush :D Germination date 4/18 Scuff with rolled up sandpaper soak 24 hours in distilled water Transfer to red solo cups filled with Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil...(read it might burn seeds but its working fine for my tomato seeds) Grow under my Mars 300W grow light...
  13. F

    US based seed banks that take Paypal Venmo CC

    Yup. Guess where I got my seeds :) I'm in NY so I'm thinking a few days and I'll have me some Lemon Kush
  14. F

    US based seed banks that take Paypal Venmo CC

    Your probably right. I ordered seeds from a place many here like. Great communication and "some sort of" instant payment...Feeling confident in the transaction
  15. F

    US based seed banks that take Paypal Venmo CC

    I'm looking for U.S based seed banks that take some form of electronic payment for ease and speed. The ones I've spoke to take Money orders which takes longer with the mailing back and forth. Also someplace open during the shutdown. I called DC seeds and i49 and both are closed/never got back
  16. F

    Dank seeds $18 shipping?

    No Here is the link to their company. Not sure I should even give them exposure. I asked about payments and they messaged back same day. Then asked (nicely) about the $18 shipping and asked if they had a coupon code and never heard I'm moving on from them
  17. F

    Dank seeds $18 shipping?

    They're listed as a US company?
  18. F

    Dank seeds $18 shipping?

    I was about to order from Dank seeds because if you order "there" seeds they arrive in 3 days...or so they say. Plus they take Venmo for a quick transaction. Then I got to check out and got hit with $18 shipping within the US. I thought that was way out of line for 5 seeds. Is that normal for...
  19. F

    2 minute cheap & easy carbon filter (no duct tape)

    I wanted to use a home depot 250cfm inline fan ($25) but read it would burn out fast due to that it wasnt strong enough to suck through the carbon.which fan did you use?