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  1. Urca

    Nasty Smoke Session

    This is sad... idk why peacefulkid1992 is acting like this, he's really a cool guy
  2. Urca

    haha what a dumbfuck

    fuck that shit, if anyone ever stole from me and i knew who it was, they'd hear about it. some black guys who were hella ghetto made friends with my sister, they seemed cool, then they brought over their little mayate cousin, who tried to get my sister to fuck, rolled a blunt in my bathroom and...
  3. Urca

    Tales Of Betrayal

    I was in 8th grade, and decided to snitch on a girl who was harrassing me, so i wouldnt have to fight her. she got suspended for the day. the next day her friends, some of who were supposed to be my good friends, went to the principal and told her i had grabbed her friends chest and called her...
  4. Urca

    Hemp Tycoon

    she problably wouldnt mind, she smokes too, but my stepdad would kick me out of the house
  5. Urca

    Hemp Tycoon

    lol id grow but i live with my madre, plus it seems like you need lots of equipment, and time... so it will stay wishful thinking
  6. Urca

    Hemp Tycoon

    lol if only it were real
  7. Urca

    Hemp Tycoon

    lol will it make my computer mess up?
  8. Urca

    Hemp Tycoon

    Lol well I was bored and went on the adult swim website to play their weird games, then saw they have a game called hemp tycoon... obviously its about growing weed, but its cute...
  9. Urca

    veterans on riu

    I have some military family. my cousin, she flew stealth over afghanistan back when this all started. My cousin, he's in south korea right now with the navy my other cousin, he was a marine, idk what exactly he did, but i think it had something to do with building houses in singapore? idk
  10. Urca

    Does weed make you horny?

    I completely agree!
  11. Urca

    lol nope, I dont actually have asian eyes, i think they were messing with me? idk. Im mostly...

    lol nope, I dont actually have asian eyes, i think they were messing with me? idk. Im mostly german, then the next big one is irish, with side of english/scottish thrown in for good measure... and idk how to upload to an album
  12. Urca

    Does weed make you horny?

    I agree with nusky.... harder to get where you want, but oh my god so much fun to smoke then have a bit of fun... whether alone or with a partner. Lol im not going into the nasty details, but yeah, it does.
  13. Urca

    Is it ever OK to ask about someones sexual history?

    I wouldnt ask a dude beyond the "Do you have anything I should know about?" Even then I'd still wear protection... But other than that I wouldnt ask. The answer would bother me, so why ask to hear it? If it was the first date or anything I'd be pissed if he asked me, but if we were getting close...
  14. Urca

    What does anyone see in these "herbal incense"?

    ive actually never heard of it, explain
  15. Urca

    What's your Avatar about?

    lol honestly i never looked closely enough, always thought they were rocks
  16. Urca

    Favorite beer?

    Its good... let me link you to it
  17. Urca

    Favorite beer?

    I love blue moon, and original budwiser... drank two cans of warm budwiser and I was pretty buzzing, pretty good taste. Corona is great too. Blue moon is the shit!
  18. Urca

    What's your Avatar about?

    I kept getting called orca, instead of urca, so i decided to roll with the punches and make an orca my avatar
  19. Urca

    Fucked up my foot. You ever do something this dumb?

    oh i felt it all right...
  20. Urca

    Fucked up my foot. You ever do something this dumb?

    My feet problems are nothing like that, though I do have wide feet that have toes that curve towards the left or the right, that's just genetic. But my mom has a genetic predispositon to having ingrown toenails, and skin issues. My uncle has psoriasis, and my mom has a dropped bone in her foot...