Is it ever OK to ask about someones sexual history?

benny blanco

Active Member
She's right, you're not her boyfriend. Move on. If you have to ask what a gay question is I don't know what to say


Well-Known Member
She's right, you're not her boyfriend. Move on. If you have to ask what a gay question is I don't know what to say
What ever happened to class or respect? If I'm talking to a chick, leading her to believe I'm interested in her on purpose, then I'm not going to be doing that with anyone else. IMO that is pretty messed up and disrespectful. The only reason someone would do that is so they can be skanky and leave their options open, sleep around and not make any commitment. Exactly what I called her on.

You are using words incorrectly, inanimate objects don't have sexual orientations.


Well-Known Member
You shouldnt be with someone that cant talk to you about theirs and your sexual history, aside from the occasional one night stand or "sex in the bar bathroom", in that case you put your own life at risk with that. But in any case, the person you plan on being with should be able to openly discuss it with you. If not, theres something to hide. Either some kind of STD or some bad sexual experience. Im not saying thats not a good excuse, Im just saying thats usually the reason. Either way, those things can very seriously affect you, and you have every right to know. Just my 2 cents.


Well-Known Member
I think its okay if you and the other person are comfortable... But I personally wouldn't wanna know!
my girlfriend I have now always tells me about her sexual encounters.. I guess you would call it..
HUGE turn off.

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Ive been in your situation Padawanabater.... Shit sucks, put forth a lot of effort, think shit's going somewhere, dating, what not... Find out they are fucking other dudes, ask them about it and they get all pissed off and say "we arent together". That's fine, whatever, i can understand things might not be "official" but as soon as you hook up with another chick, IE one of her friends lol, shit hit's the fan!!! It's like they completely forgot the fucked other guys lol.

What you need to do is fuck one of her friends :D


Active Member
/agree with everyone else, from what you said she might make a fun night at the club but i wouldn't let her in my bed, if she leads you on along with half a dozen other guys shes sleeping with your never gonna get anything serious from her and if you do it will never work out. she is just using you as a piece and if you feel like doing the same to her then wrap it up if not move on and cut your loses.


Well-Known Member
Don't ask, wear 2 jimmys....

Remember back in the day, was checkin this one girl, and everytime I blew my load, she would wind down telling me about what she got up to with her exes...
It might turn some of you on, but shit used to make me mad. Then one day I blew up, and shouted 'how many exes have you had you filthy cow!?

She replied, 'only 18 in the last 12 mths, and most of them were good friends/booty calls.'
I tell u now, that was the fastest my dick ever shrivelled up and went inside out...

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Don't ask, wear 2 jimmys....

Remember back in the day, was checkin this one girl, and everytime I blew my load, she would wind down telling me about what she got up to with her exes...
It might turn some of you on, but shit used to make me mad. Then one day I blew up, and shouted 'how many exes have you had you filthy cow!?

She replied, 'only 18 in the last 12 mths, and most of them were good friends/booty calls.'
I tell u now, that was the fastest my dick ever shrivelled up and went inside out...

Hahaha that made me laugh... Dude i feel ya though man, that's a little much. jesus, 18 in 12 months?

What a filthy cow ;)


Active Member
I don't see how talking to a girl you are interested in is either a) A LOT of effort as you call it, or b) a relationship.

She gave you the correct response for someone in her position. She's clearly into partying or a nympho or a sex addict and you don't want to stick your dick into anything crazy.

On the flipside, the answer to your original question is no, not really. You should find things out as the relationship matures.. but never EVER ask "how many people have you slept with" if you can't handle the answer. It's not uncommon for a girl in her 20s to have a dozen partners, and if you have had, say.. 3 or 4 then you might find you weren't prepared to hear the truth.


Well-Known Member
What ever happened to class or respect? If I'm talking to a chick, leading her to believe I'm interested in her on purpose, then I'm not going to be doing that with anyone else. IMO that is pretty messed up and disrespectful. The only reason someone would do that is so they can be skanky and leave their options open, sleep around and not make any commitment. Exactly what I called her on.

You are using words incorrectly, inanimate objects don't have sexual orientations.
how old are you?


Well-Known Member
This is a funny thread. haha I was in the shower the other day hungover wondering what the craziest thing i ever did was, and right away having unprotected sex was the first thing i thought of. Its true tho you just never know especially when drunk.


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt ask a dude beyond the "Do you have anything I should know about?" Even then I'd still wear protection... But other than that I wouldnt ask. The answer would bother me, so why ask to hear it?
If it was the first date or anything I'd be pissed if he asked me, but if we were getting close or whatever, if I was asked I'd be honest, I have nothing to hide... but then again I havent done much seeing as Im still a virgin, still, since the answer wouldnt be upsetting to him unless he didnt wanna date or fuck a virgin (i have been told that before)


Well-Known Member
23, why do you ask?
I mean not to sound harsh or anything; but if you aren't in a relationship with her and you both don't have some soft of understanding about sex, then you can't get mad at her for not telling you. You're both young (which I can't even really say since i'm only 24) so you can't 100% always expect the women you meet to be down for commited relationships. Girls and guys like to meet a lot of different people and on occasion sleep with them. You see it as being disrespectful and she see's it as just having fun while she's still young.

I'm not saying you're wrong for wanting a relationship, but if she's not down with that you got to just move on until you find someone who is.

EDIT: as for asking about sexual history, you always want to be safe when it comes to stds. but unless it just randomly comes up in conversation you should just leave that topic alone. as long as she's faithful there should be no reason to know about her previous partners. the past is just that, the past.