Is it ever OK to ask about someones sexual history?


New Member
If it's just a fuck buddy then yes I would straight up ask what's good.

If its someone I'm dating I won't press the issue


No my sexual history is my own buisness

So what if i own a sweedish penis enlarger and a veriety of toys that some people havent seen..
What ive gottin up to was all above board and leagal except for that one time and that other time. Id never go in to pacifics other then the girl ho im sleeping with on an ongoing basis is indeed the best sex I've ever had :)


Well-Known Member
lmfao i love how many kids come out of the network now...... u can just tell who the young ones are based on their responces.....

straight up. wrap it before you tap it so it dont fall off before you fall over.....
What in the balls does this have to do with growing a nice crop? If you need relationship advice call Dr. Phil... This site is for gardening, not relationship issues. Go toke some green and go to town on her, or him, just be sure to wrap it up.


Well-Known Member
Ask if you really want to know, don't ask if you don't.

I asked once and the answer scared the living shit out of me. (She said somewhere between 40 - 60)
I had put my mouth on her pussy too. Fucking YUK.