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  1. Mrsmith31480

    Trim fan leaves?

    I'm a new grower with 2 4ft juicy jack plants a week into flowering and three clones that are also a week into flower in a micro grow inside of a pc case. I think I'm doing good so far but the fan leaves are starting to get in the way. Can I trim them and how many should I leave?
  2. Mrsmith31480

    Ugly clones.

    Will they survive?
  3. Mrsmith31480

    Ugly clones.

    They have only been watered once two days ago. Soil is still damp tho. Roots have poked out of one of the hydro planter they are in root looks good.
  4. Mrsmith31480

    Ugly clones.

    They rooted in water all but 3 died the one not pictured looks fine. It's still in water. I dipped a popsicle stick in some tiger bloom and stirred the water they rooted in buy that's all. I used rooting powder also. Since I put in the happy frog they have only gotten water once. Water comes...
  5. Mrsmith31480

    Ugly clones.

    This is my first attempt at cloning and I have three clippings that have rooted. They rooted about 4 days ago and have been in some happy frog potting soil since. New growth is slow and I have ugly curled fan leaves. Can I trim the dieing fan leaves?
  6. Mrsmith31480

    Stinky plant

    I used fox farm boomerang to help plants after overwater anf compacted soil. One had root rot so I cleaned it up and repotted it I watered with the stuff and now my plant smells like sewer on top. Is it dead cuz it smells like it and I just DiD this yesterday. It smelled fine yesterday. Smells...
  7. Mrsmith31480

    Twisted new growth

  8. Mrsmith31480

    Twisted new growth

    I'll take one in a few to show you I'm not home rn
  9. Mrsmith31480

    Twisted new growth

    That's twisted new growth I've been checking everyday for herms but they are still in veg so I think it's too early for that.
  10. Mrsmith31480

    Twisted new growth

    I crushed up a few mosquito dunks and sprinkled it on top of my soil after the flush. The flush was to kill larva. I had a lot of gnats. I caught most of them with vinegar and soap the rest will die soon enough. I need to flip but want to wait till she is healthy
  11. Mrsmith31480

    Twisted new growth

    I had a problem with fungus gnats so I flushed the soil with 1 part peroxide 3 parts water. After I watered with nutes at half strength. I did this with two plants and one looks fine the other one has twisted or mutated new growth what's going on? Anyone know?
  12. Mrsmith31480

    New grower

    Update pics way do you guys think. The one with the fat leaves was the one that snapped at the first node a month ago
  13. Mrsmith31480

    New grower

    Got in the 90s last few days I've been trying to keep temp down . thanks
  14. Mrsmith31480

    New grower

    I have some strange folding of my top leaves can anyone tell me what's going on?
  15. Mrsmith31480

    New grower

    I have sand just wondering if I should wait till the soil settles first. I heard D.E. works in the soil also. When I do the last pot I want to mix it in with the soil
  16. Mrsmith31480

    New grower

    Ok been a couple weeks but after a fight with fungus gnats (ripped out the C02 won't be using that anymore! ) And a break up I'm glad to say my girls are still growing. Pics soon to follow. Quick question tho. I used peroxide to treat my soil and it swelled up like a balloon .Is it normal for...
  17. Mrsmith31480

    New grower

    5 bulbs 18 watt each both plants are under the same bulbs right now cuz they are small enough to fit in one grow space. I know when it comes to CFLs I need 24 watts per plant for Evey 3 feet. I tried to keep it the same for led. Is that not enough?
  18. Mrsmith31480

    New grower

    Im using led grow bulbs. The other one isn't doing it that bad at all and they are both under same lights .They are the same age btw. It's been snapped by accident
  19. Mrsmith31480

    New grower

    Hey im new to this so me tieing down the fan was me not knowing what I was doing I let them both stand up and the one is mutating bad. I stressed the hell out them trying to stunt growth trying to keep them small. I've backed off all the extra shit and now im hoping I can bring them to flower...
  20. Mrsmith31480

    New grower

    Feeding her fox farm grow big and pH is normal now. I just watered three days ago fed a week ago. I have two plants in grow space one the soil has dried out and the one in pic the soil is still wet . Not making sense.