Twisted new growth


Well-Known Member
Twisty can come from many things like heat or ph which ( might be the issue when you dumped peroxide in soil ) which will not do much for gnats.

The simple fix for gnats ( adult egg laying ) is do a top dress of perlite ( completely cover ) or even wood chips. The flying fucks can’t keep laying eggs when they find dry conditions... just scoop a hole to water a bit and re cover with said material.

You probably are seeing the effects of dumping things that are not really liked by the plant.


Well-Known Member
Overall plant is green and pretty good looking .... just be very careful of what you do , cuz one bad mistake can throw your work into “ Hermiesville “ and its a bust.

One of your pics need this area zoomed in .....

I crushed up a few mosquito dunks and sprinkled it on top of my soil after the flush. The flush was to kill larva. I had a lot of gnats. I caught most of them with vinegar and soap the rest will die soon enough. I need to flip but want to wait till she is healthy
Overall plant is green and pretty good looking .... just be very careful of what you do , cuz one bad mistake can throw your work into “ Hermiesville “ and its a bust.

One of your pics need this area zoomed in .....

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That's twisted new growth I've been checking everyday for herms but they are still in veg so I think it's too early for that.