Ugly clones.

This is my first attempt at cloning and I have three clippings that have rooted. They rooted about 4 days ago and have been in some happy frog potting soil since. New growth is slow and I have ugly curled fan leaves. Can I trim the dieing fan leaves?


They rooted in water all but 3 died the one not pictured looks fine. It's still in water. I dipped a popsicle stick in some tiger bloom and stirred the water they rooted in buy that's all. I used rooting powder also. Since I put in the happy frog they have only gotten water once. Water comes from my a.c. cuz I don't trust city water.
They have only been watered once two days ago. Soil is still damp tho. Roots have poked out of one of the hydro planter they are in root looks good.