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  1. Urca

    How did you meet one of your best friends?

    such a good friend huh?
  2. Urca

    sluts and nice girls

    lol im very far from being a slut, so yeah
  3. Urca

    How did you meet one of your best friends?

    lol thank you. :P not like i do what i do in a bed anyway... hahahahah
  4. Urca

    How did you meet one of your best friends?

    lol i know, we were making fun of him about it, but its what he wants so ill support him
  5. Urca

    How did you meet one of your best friends?

    haha he's gonna go study to be a priest, i think not
  6. Urca

    How did you meet one of your best friends?

    So tonight i went to my friends going away party, he's leaving to go to notre dame tomorrow, and I just remembered how I met him. I was 14 and we had the same english teacher, but different periods. He asked me to critique his essay. Fast forward 5 months, we became sophomores, then one day...
  7. Urca

    I hate

    lol im curious... if you knew you had to start a new job today, why get drunk last night? surely you had the foresight of "man, i really shouldnt show up to my new job hungover, might be a bad idea"
  8. Urca

    Close calls with police?

    ah shit in january i decided to skip the first two periods of school and get LOADED off my ass. then proceeded to walk to school, with the rest of my weed on me. Right as I am near the gate, a cop pulls me over, and i know she knows im high. I just go along with it, she tells me im truant and i...
  9. Urca

    do people really randomly put on their friends dirty pants?

    haha how did you know!
  10. Urca

    Hemp Tycoon

    lol i was talking to that dude who made a fdd hater account
  11. Urca

    Hemp Tycoon

    yeah a guy was being a dick....
  12. Urca

    almost jumped by a deer!

    why did the deer attack the dog, the dog didnt do anything?
  13. Urca

    Swishers not sticking??

    lol go to a different gas station, they'll be fresher and wont run
  14. Urca

    Wtf do I say?

    your welcome....... its great for people you actually know, but lots of creepers on there. i should know better than to add strangers that ive never even talked to before
  15. Urca

    Swishers not sticking??

    lol do you let it dry? dry it with a lighter? what? cause i mean, i just smoked a swisher the other day and it was fine
  16. Urca

    Swishers not sticking??

    well, it could be alot of things. You could be buying stale swishers, your techinique is off, not using enough spit, not rolling tight enough, etc.... Usually for me, when swishers dont stick is because they are stale. If it starts unrolling while you are smoking, get your finger tip wet and...
  17. Urca

    Embarrasing stuff about you??

    haha nope, just means you're a god on earth ;)
  18. Urca

    Your brain age

    lol my mouse sucks ass, a bit of a delay. Im 18 and got 53. Thank you shitty mouse for making me look like a retard.
  19. Urca

    Wtf do I say?

    thanks for the advice, i mean, you're speaking from experience right?
  20. Urca

    My name is fdd and i am a glassblower

    this is really cool you guys got your own forum.... its a great talent that you guys have, lol wish i could try something like this when i am older