How did you meet one of your best friends?


Well-Known Member
So tonight i went to my friends going away party, he's leaving to go to notre dame tomorrow, and I just remembered how I met him. I was 14 and we had the same english teacher, but different periods. He asked me to critique his essay.

Fast forward 5 months, we became sophomores, then one day after school had just started, and we had 3 classes together but never talked, then he asks me to go to the office with him. We've been close friends since.

Im gonna miss him alot, and Im better for knowing him, glad we graduated together. How did you meet one of your good friends?


Well-Known Member
lol i know, we were making fun of him about it, but its what he wants so ill support him


Well-Known Member
my best friend became addicted cocaine, so I have best friend anymore...

My new best friend is my girl friend, she is awesome!


Well-Known Member
lol thank you. :P not like i do what i do in a bed anyway... hahahahah
I like toasting marshmallows with a spliff in bed.

I met most of my closest friends at school. I'm not very good at socializing, so I've always had a very small but solid group of people I treat as family and they the same. I don't go out much or have parties to go to, but I try to be friendly to everyone as a rule.

I met my friend Izzi (she's one of those mystical people, pagan/wiccan) on a day I really was not in the mood to socialize. I was just starting senior high and had a bit of a meltdown from too much stimuli and sat hunched in a corner at lunch. I was only in the cafeteria because a friend dragged me in there, my sketchbook was out on the table and this magical girl locked onto it. She saw the wolves and horses and said her spirit guides were the same animals. She asked how I could draw them feeling so real, I explained I'm a wolf therianthrope and she told me about her wolfdog, Ice who died right before I met her. The weird thing is, I actually suggested flashing imagery of one's theriotype 'by accident' as a way of initiating conversation the previous week on an otherkin forum... But this was a genuine accident, and she can see/feel my phantom parts! It's almost a bit of an invasion of space as no one else quite sees and understands the wolf side of me as she does. It's almost like I was meant to come along and 'replace' Ice for the next stage in her life, because when I don't see her for a wile she starts having visions of him all over the place.

Now I'm in a odd fucked up love triangle living with her and my crush of two years. We all love eachother deeply though so we try not to tread on eachother's toes.


Well-Known Member
My best friend is Chinese and came to America, I've know him since before I turned two and we used to play without even knowing how to communicate. My two other friends who I also consider best friends I've known not quite as long but one I met cause I knew he was a cool college dude and I was trying to get a bottle for me and some friends. I knocked on his door and just offered to pay him some to grab a bottle for me, he was already kinda drunk and I smelled bud coming and saw the room was hazy he just laughed and said come in. Fuckin love that dude makes me sad he's moving back home in a couple months. My last one I met cause he came over to sell me weed from out west lol.