Hemp Tycoon


Well-Known Member
Lol well I was bored and went on the adult swim website to play their weird games, then saw they have a game called hemp tycoon... obviously its about growing weed, but its cute...

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
iv played that one....if u change the time on ur computer u can harvest instantly....but u didnt hear that from me


Well-Known Member
lol id grow but i live with my madre, plus it seems like you need lots of equipment, and time... so it will stay wishful thinking


Well-Known Member
Not necessarily. When MY madre used to grow we never had any kind of lamp or fancy watering system. It was either in the garden, and upside down fishtank greenhouse or the airing cupboard for dark. They did alright enough or no one to notice an ounce or two going missing X3

If your mama doesn't mind (I'm sure she'd like to see you do something proactive like horticulture and she will know WHAT exactly you're smoking) just start out with a few bagseed grows in your bedroom. It won't matter if they fuck up but you'll have fun and learn for next time.


Well-Known Member
she problably wouldnt mind, she smokes too, but my stepdad would kick me out of the house

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
i dont use alot of equipent.....look at it....2 light bulbs in a plastic tote....but u are right about time....takes a bit


Well-Known Member
lol look at you, so tough behind a computer screen... how adorable!!!!! :D
btw, thanks for the compliments ;) real sweet of ya!


Well-Known Member
AWW, DID I HURT YOUR FEELINGS? You know, for being as fat as I am, im pretty sure Im not as ugly as a person on the inside as you are.

POOR BABY, MEAN F.D.D IS PICKING ON YOU!! Do you need a hug?? Or better yet, a new set of balls? Seriously, man up. Calling me ugly doesnt change anything


Well-Known Member
hey, i have a great idea! why dont you go look up all my threads, post my pic, call me an ugly cunt! come on, it will be totally fun.....
oh wait, you already did that? damn... i missed out on the party!