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  1. Urca

    Pedos Plz Bear With Me.
  2. Urca

    Watering Your Plant With Beer?

    lol feeling's mutual... is there any way you can show me a full size version of your sig?
  3. Urca

    Watering Your Plant With Beer?

    lol his is still better, its the look on the little girls face that makes it perfect
  4. Urca

    Guys: How long do you like hair on a woman?

    what is argan oil? will it make curly hair less frizzy? or is it just for people with straight hair or for those who straighten their hair?
  5. Urca

    Watering Your Plant With Beer?

    i know this is soo wrong, but your sig cracks me up... its the look on her face... not funny in real life, but on the internet... fucking hilarious
  6. Urca

    Billionaire funding creation of artificial libertarian islands free of laws

    i think living in space is dumb as shit too... here's a thought. give condoms to places like india, africa, enforce the use of such, work to change laws in developed countries... bam problem solved, no dumb fuck islands floating around
  7. Urca

    Making BHO on a lazy tuesday night

    Comatose you say???? Could be interesting :p
  8. Urca

    Billionaire funding creation of artificial libertarian islands free of laws

    Ok, so you stock them up... prices will be sky high. like ridiculous... they will run out eventually... plus, where is all their waste going to go?
  9. Urca

    Great moments in parenting history!!

    :( i have no idea why people are so cruel to children... a few years back i read an article about how they were raping one year old girls in sudan.... :( the girls would be injured down below so badly they needed surgery, and they were so traumatized they couldnt be around any man at all, they...
  10. Urca

    Making BHO on a lazy tuesday night

    well slap me silly... lol
  11. Urca

    Making BHO on a lazy tuesday night

    ok makes sense... so lets rephrase my orginal question. what if you vaporized all of what was on that coffee filter, in one sitting?
  12. Urca

    Billionaire funding creation of artificial libertarian islands free of laws

    like i mentioned before, how the fuck are they going to feed themselves? get water? have electricity? what about plumbing, you just cant pump shit into the ocean... what about trash and etc?
  13. Urca

    Great moments in parenting history!!

    this hurt my heart... i mean, yeah its stressful to raise a child with disabilities, but the mother was making it work just fine. Im sure he blamed the mother for his "imperfect" son... this guy deserves to rot in hell... any 7 year old, disabled or not, killed by their own parents in this...
  14. Urca

    Billionaire funding creation of artificial libertarian islands free of laws

    laws are beneficial to society... the laws chosen by the owners will benefit them, not those who come to work for them on the island. it's a can of worms that shouldnt be opened. will they allow abortion? legalize weed? Stuff like that, which is controverisial in the us, will they pass it...
  15. Urca

    Making BHO on a lazy tuesday night

    but isnt this stuff heated up while its being made?
  16. Urca

    The COOLEST Thing You Will See All Day, GUARANTEED!

    haha you guys dont talk shit about americans who think ireland is this mystical place where everyone speaks gaelic and etc? and they go over there to reconnect with their roots? idk, people like that irritate me here, it must irritate you guys even worse. personally id only visit because it...
  17. Urca

    Making BHO on a lazy tuesday night

    oh ok... cause i remember he said a very little bit would get you tore up, so I figure if you used all of that in one sitting, you'd be extremely lit, but the whole heat thing makes sense. but, you dont have to heat up a cannacookie before you eat it, correct? and since this is techinically the...
  18. Urca

    Making BHO on a lazy tuesday night

    question... what would happen if someone did eat what you posted, all of it, after it was frozen into chunks? Im talking about in one sitting, just relaxing and ate everything on that coffee filter... what would happen?
  19. Urca

    Billionaire funding creation of artificial libertarian islands free of laws

    to me, it comes off as only the wealthy could live there, the laws are wacky, not to mention where the fuck are you gonna get resources, its in the middle of the goddamn ocean, desalination costs soo much money, where are you going to get fresh water and food? the prices would be sky high, and...
  20. Urca

    Making BHO on a lazy tuesday night

    hmm valid points, but its impractical for me... i will try it if i ever get the chance though, ive read your posts about it, it sounds pretty amazing