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  1. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    kuroi, my advice to you, as always, is to just leave or just get all crazy in his face. :) lol you and i are very similar, never been in a relationship, never been really wanted by anyone. You have alot more potential than I do... you're slim, have nice hair and skin, young, and quirky... all...
  2. Urca

    school is great, im really liking it!!

    school is great, im really liking it!!
  3. Urca

    Do you have a Black Dog?

    the stripe serves no purpose, its an african dog... its been domesticated, but it comes from the ridgeback family. are they thai ridgebacks or rhodesian ridgebacks?
  4. Urca

    Guys: How long do you like hair on a woman?

    lol it isnt pink anymore
  5. Urca

    Pedos Plz Bear With Me.

    its just a joke... i hope :shock:
  6. Urca

    Guys: How long do you like hair on a woman?

    lol im not picky, ill use whatever it takes to get the job done
  7. Urca

    Guys: How long do you like hair on a woman?

    my hair when it has only been shampoo'd. no conditioner, or hairproduct, only been brushed when it was wet These pictures are from december, my hair isnt pink like that anymore
  8. Urca

    Pedos Plz Bear With Me.

    but doesnt it feel oh so right? hahahaha
  9. Urca


    its just a good movie... bahaha
  10. Urca

    Blokes Who Wear Wigs

    i think if guys start balding, they should just cut their hair really really short and grow facial hair... make you look alot better than the wig or combover
  11. Urca

    Guys: How long do you like hair on a woman?

    some women can pull it off. not me. my hair was that short from the age of 6-13. no longer!!! I looked like a man, my hair was poofy and all over the place, teachers and adults used to mistake me for a boy, was teased unmercifully... I looked like a dude until I was like 15, when my hair finally...
  12. Urca


    i know its cheesy as fuck, but for some reason i adore the movie total recall. KUATO LIVES!! lol. Im not big into the science fiction though... comic book movies, martial arts movies, foreign films... <--- that shit is like crack. I think i may be a nerd, but I just fucking love martial arts...
  13. Urca

    Guys: How long do you like hair on a woman?

    lol well idk if you saw the pics i posted, but my hair is pretty goddamn long. i should post up what it looks like when i dont do it, its a hoot
  14. Urca

    Billionaire funding creation of artificial libertarian islands free of laws

    yes, but these islands arent natural... natural islands have food and waste resources kinda covered, and obviously they work, most islands have been around for a very long time. but these are islands built of glass and steel... not the same at all
  15. Urca

    Guys: How long do you like hair on a woman?

    i have to use shampoo... my hair is soo long, and so curly, I wouldnt be able to brush it and style it without shampoo and condition. Plus, in order to tame it I must use several hair products... and you cant leave those in for more than two days before your hair starts fucking up... one time i...
  16. Urca

    Guys: How long do you like hair on a woman?

    i used to use shampoo made for black people and my hair was beautiful and soft...
  17. Urca

    Making BHO on a lazy tuesday night

    oh ok, i get you... holy shit got to try this
  18. Urca

    Watering Your Plant With Beer?

    that is perfect +rep for you my friend, im giggling like mad over here
  19. Urca

    Guys: How long do you like hair on a woman?

    yeah its hard, either i use mousse and alot of hairspray, and while my hair is semi soft to the touch, its not a natural silky feeling. Its not like its hard and obviously scrunched so hard its crunchy, its just hard to find the prefect balance. 45% of the time i get the good balance, 25% of...
  20. Urca

    Billionaire funding creation of artificial libertarian islands free of laws

    oh for sure people are the problem. but a man made island full of wack jobs isnt the solution! :D lol people are just dumb, all we can do is be less dumb than they are