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  1. Urca

    Finally Popped The Question

    im still dubious about whether or not your trolling, so carry on
  2. Urca

    best food to eat while stoned?

    how do you do it? id love to make it for myself, must be better than heating it up from the box
  3. Urca

    best food to eat while stoned?

    i fucking love monkey bread too...
  4. Urca

    Finally Popped The Question

    hey wow um... i thought you were just playing around... hard to tell when you are serious or just trolling
  5. Urca

    Finally Popped The Question

    kuroi, this is a fake situatation a think
  6. Urca

    Random things to think about.

    i like it more than family guy, it cracks me up....
  7. Urca

    sluts and nice girls

    haha why me?
  8. Urca

    Who loves playing with animals when you're high?

    lol maybe...
  9. Urca

    Who loves playing with animals when you're high?

    lol well honestly i had just finished "taking care of his needs", and i didnt get anything out of it, then so i tried to cuddle... yeah, that worked out. idk, maybe he did it so i wouldnt think he wanted more than just what we were doing... even though i didnt get taken care of...
  10. Urca

    Who loves playing with animals when you're high?

    well i mean, if he doesnt like it when i do it, why do it? just makes me feel stupid that i get all cuddly and try to cuddle up to him... and he just breaks away, or shoves me off. have you ever done that to a girl? i know he isnt my bf or anything, just some guy i kiss and fool around with a...
  11. Urca

    Who loves playing with animals when you're high?

    lol those long hugs lead to long kisses when i did them. so it wasnt too bad a trade off for a cuddle
  12. Urca

    Nasty Smoke Session

    that would be hella cool
  13. Urca

    Who loves playing with animals when you're high?

    i dont think he liked it, like i said, he hopped up not too long after wards, pee'd on a tree, hopped in the drivers seat when he was done, didnt even come sit back down with me. second time i tried to be slick and playfully say "oh you messed up, its pillow duty for you..." and tried to put my...
  14. Urca

    Who loves playing with animals when you're high?

    haha it was a jeep, we were sitting next to each other, just leaned in and laid my chest on his chest, close to his armpit, hand around his waist
  15. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    haha if i ever take pictures as a mermaid, ill definitely send you copies
  16. Urca

    Who loves playing with animals when you're high?

    lol oh yeah, well ive given very long hugs, etc... just never actually cuddled. well... i did kinda but it lasted for about only 30 seconds, i dont think he liked it much, he got up, went to pee, hopped back in the front seat.
  17. Urca

    Who loves playing with animals when you're high?

    lol ive never cuddled with anyone, so i wouldnt know
  18. Urca

    sluts and nice girls

    lol well im a good girl
  19. Urca

    What to make with marshmellows?

    woot woot. racerboy, that cake takes two days to make, and has alot of gourmet ingrediants... however, that shit was book marked cause its gonna be made by me at some point in time, it looks hella bomb
  20. Urca

    What to make with marshmellows?

    omg you're brilliant jonblaze!!