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  1. Urca

    east coast quake

    thats not what im saying at all. its good that you cared, but luckily no one got hurt!
  2. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    ah so this is your man? cause if so he needs a hair cut from what i saw
  3. Urca

    Man Panty Sniffers

    thats a beautiful pinata
  4. Urca

    What's Per Lunch?

    i love cumin, its my favorite spice... and my grandma has taught me her recipes so that they dont die either
  5. Urca

    east coast quake

    dont worry, it was a small quake, no one got hurt
  6. Urca

    Man Panty Sniffers

    lol how is that relevant?
  7. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    april, i knew it was you!! so how did he get a pic of you?
  8. Urca

    Man Panty Sniffers

    You're problably right. I was the last one to put up a pic, which was more risque than all the other ones in the thread, so not so long after that pic went up, thread got closed down. just using my thinking cap, dear old friend
  9. Urca

    What's Per Lunch?

    carne, do you know how to make chili colorado? or do you have a recipe?
  10. Urca

    Lace and Frills <3

    aww thank you. And yeah, i thought it was april too
  11. Urca

    Man Panty Sniffers

    Hahaa well, it could have been the combined effect of you and me, fdd didnt see it until morning, so it was a long night of cleavage pics
  12. Urca

    Man Panty Sniffers

    yeah, the thread got locked. it was my cleavage that got boobies thread locked, sorry about that
  13. Urca


    personally, id never cheat. just because i wouldnt want to lose a good thing. plus.... i would hope it would never be done to me. it problably will, but still, id never do it
  14. Urca

    Man Panty Sniffers

    lol very nice kuroi
  15. Urca

    Man Panty Sniffers

    Thats a surprise
  16. Urca

    Man Panty Sniffers

    Oh, im fine with being disliked. It happens alot. I have a problem being condescended to. Which was the tone of your "polite" post. Dislike me all you want, but when you condescend to me, you are opening a huge can of worms
  17. Urca

    Man Panty Sniffers

    hostility and contempt under the veneer of politeness is a slap in the face. its condescending, and never truly polite. asking me to leave? are you serious? lol who do you think you are? the maitre d of this thread? You dont like me for whatever reason, fine. But you overstep yourself in asking...
  18. Urca

    Man Panty Sniffers

    Im a girl. Just not the type of girl who pulls guys with bodies like yours. So it was a pleasent treat
  19. Urca

    Man Panty Sniffers

    ^ hey i enjoyed what I saw, so yeah :) :) lol thats not something id get to see in person
  20. Urca

    Man Panty Sniffers

    no, im having a terrible fucking day, and your apparent disgust baffles me. You know what? Why dont we sit down and discuss why you are disgusted with me? Since it would be the civil way to solve this. According to you. Lets hear it. Im dying to know