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  1. Urca

    What kind of guy does this? Made me wary?

    remember his old sig.... everthing i say is a lie
  2. Urca

    What kind of guy does this? Made me wary?

    lol oh yeah, that thread
  3. Urca

    What kind of guy does this? Made me wary?

    ^ lol weirdo...
  4. Urca

    What kind of guy does this? Made me wary?

    Fine. that one and the face pic where i am smiling
  5. Urca

    Man Panty Sniffers

    idk, i think hello kitty was cute, but i didnt want to jump on the hello kitty bandwagon... i didnt want to seem lame, or like one of those fan girls, but its nice
  6. Urca

    What kind of guy does this? Made me wary?

    why??? whats sexy about it?
  7. Urca

    Man Panty Sniffers

    lol yeah my best friends boyfriend put hello kitty on his phone cause she wanted him to... damn he was whipped, like hella bad, but I dont think thats in your case, you just do it to make her happy
  8. Urca

    What kind of guy does this? Made me wary?

    one of the first two... my body ones arent nice
  9. Urca

    What kind of guy does this? Made me wary?

    um, which one?
  10. Urca

    What kind of guy does this? Made me wary?

    Lol what just happened? I didnt know what to say, so I said you look as good as you think i look. I dont know what you think other than not bad, so i figured it would be a good response? sorry im kinda high and it made sense
  11. Urca

    Man Panty Sniffers

    Idk, if i saw a guy (in person) wear hello kitty underwear id be kinda confused
  12. Urca

    What kind of guy does this? Made me wary?

    lol what makes you think i would answer this? here's your answer. you look as good as you think i look
  13. Urca

    What kind of guy does this? Made me wary?

    ok then. now we are tied. lol i told you i wasnt lying, he got warned ahead of time
  14. Urca

    What kind of guy does this? Made me wary?

    website i think...
  15. Urca

    What kind of guy does this? Made me wary?

    yeah of course
  16. Urca

    What kind of guy does this? Made me wary?

    the scars were caused by a childhood accident, and the catheter use only started last week
  17. Urca

    What kind of guy does this? Made me wary?

    i sent it...
  18. Urca

    What kind of guy does this? Made me wary?

    it had alot of built up scar tissue, kept peeing out blood and chunks of scars, but they took him to surgery yesterday, he had complications, let him come home at noon today, but then he had to go back, he was bleeding hella bad
  19. Urca

    What kind of guy does this? Made me wary?

    ive never even seen him without a shirt on, but yesterday he had to get dick surgery, basically filleted open and cleaned out
  20. Urca

    smoking at 4:20pm and am

    Hey cheap houses in the central valley... hit up stockton. Biggest city in the central valley, tons and tons of cheap ass houses, 85-115k