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  1. Urca

    Man Panty Sniffers

    And you can fuck yourself, cause im not going anywhere, your shittiness is the icing on the cake of my day, so either force my ass out or let me ogle lambofgod.
  2. Urca

    Man Panty Sniffers

    lol that was a nice pic... april im not digging the long dude hair, but whatever makes you happy
  3. Urca


    Let him go... he has no respect for you, or else he wouldnt have done it. Shit, it tears me up to think about the other girls I know kissed the dude that I fool around with. He told me about them. And I cant be mad, he isnt my boyfriend, but it hurts alot. You should be wayyy more hurt than I...
  4. Urca

    Having a good day!

    lol i think so, maybe he's having a good day
  5. Urca

    What kind of guy does this? Made me wary?

    It was a brand new picture, of both body and face. I didnt lie, didnt tell him anything but the truth. Its possible he was just being friendly, never attracted, which is the answer i think im going with. Lol at least i didnt try to kiss and touch or whatever, like the girls in your story did
  6. Urca

    The Bitch Is Back

    lol amy winehouse died and she posted a thread.... then started attacking america, everyone flipped out
  7. Urca

    Pancakes or Waffles?

    Haha no, it just doesnt look like ham to me, i was thinking like shredded corned beef, which was making me think, gross for breakfast
  8. Urca

    Pancakes or Waffles?

    lol it was slightly sarcasm, im just wondering what the meat is and why ketchup is on the table? weird things that they do in the uk <3 kuroi!
  9. Urca

    Pancakes or Waffles?

    um, what exactly are you feeding him? lol doesnt look like anything ive eaten before
  10. Urca

    The Bitch Is Back

    lol well idk if anyone remembers, but she caused a huge uproar back in july, and we came down hard on her for it... but now her account is active again, this will suck
  11. Urca

    The Bitch Is Back

    I think its funny how all these new members are like, aww leave stephanie alone.... but the older ones know better.... lol then again only on page 4
  12. Urca

    What kind of guy does this? Made me wary?

    lol why is that?
  13. Urca

    What kind of guy does this? Made me wary?

    lol true, but im pretty sure i couldnt be talked into it
  14. Urca

    Having a good day!

    lol like a few hours after i posted this, it went downhill again.
  15. Urca

    What Would You Have Chosen For Yourself? Cut Or Uncut

    Hahah well, I couldnt help my stepdad's surgery.... they wont let him out of the hospital, morphine every two hours, vicoden every four hours... My well, my brother's case is odd
  16. Urca

    What kind of guy does this? Made me wary?

    lol everything i said is true, and you cant make anyone give you head
  17. Urca

    What Would You Have Chosen For Yourself? Cut Or Uncut

    well racerboy had asked me in the past if he was, i didnt know
  18. Urca

    Having a good day!

    I was having a terrible day today, lots of drama... but then right after i smoked, my day just turned around.... going out tonight to see someone i havent seen in a long time. Hope you guys had a great day too!
  19. Urca

    Men, how would this make you feel?

    he's being knocked out, then they'll slice and scrape all the scar tissue away