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  1. Urca

    Message To April : )

    straight up... lol i tell jokes and get yelled at, and a greek god like carne happens to be down with the dudes...
  2. Urca

    Message To April : )

    then life is unfair
  3. Urca

    Today i found my best friend in bed with my girl.

    Did you beat that ass?... nvm oh youre sneaky
  4. Urca

    Which one is the best?

    :( wow... ................
  5. Urca

    Which one is the best?

    ok... then any suggestions? i want it to be a nice surprise!
  6. Urca

    Message To April : )

    lol april it was a joke, i didnt do it for drama! jeeze... i even stopped posting threads about boy drama or whatever... unessacarily harsh! but its whatever
  7. Urca

    Which one is the best?

    eh, like i said, i only posted this cause guys know what other guys like as far as sexy costumes go
  8. Urca

    Which one is the best?

    well i do, but guys know what guys like. as for the blouse its pretty but its not halloweenish
  9. Urca

    Message To April : )

    if thats you, life is unfair! <for carne
  10. Urca

    Which one is the best?

    shit im fat, so i shop there. aint no shame in that
  11. Urca

    Message To April : )

    lol i was playing around!
  12. Urca

    Message To April : )

    lol i was waiting for you to pop up
  13. Urca

    Which one is the best?

    ^ im being serious about this request... and that pic is just sad
  14. Urca

    Message To April : )

    coming from the dude who wore a muscle shirt, with a ninja sword in hand, with a ski mask on... im pretty sure thats sound advice. :roll:
  15. Urca

    Which one is the best?

    lol name your favorites!
  16. Urca

    Message To April : )

    lol watch out for crypt... jk jk
  17. Urca

    Which one is the best? i wanted to get a kinda sexy halloween costume if i can spare the cash. figure id wear it for that dude... so which one is the best?
  18. Urca

    Message To April : )

    lol april has a fan club
  19. Urca

    If you want blod

    lol but i dont even talk to you and you constantly spew hate about me
  20. Urca

    If you want blod

    Its not that you refuse to post in my threads, but what you say in other people's threads