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  1. C


    haha. so basicly it's more effecient to just cut a straight line across your plant? and if so at what age (weeks) would you do this at?
  2. C


    is there a differnce between a cola and a shoot? arent they ultimately the same thing?
  3. C


    Cool. thanks for the responses. More in depth though, in terms of the actual pruning which ones specifically do I wana rip off?
  4. C

    Is my light too close?

    If having a fan on your plants can dry them out, and youre susposed to give them atleast some fantime, how do you go about resolving this issue? Dosent a fan help strengthen stems which is neccesary with out wind?
  5. C


    Hello to all you chemist and otherwise horticulturaly inclined people. I was wondering, in general when does one begin pruning in order to get a nice bushy plant in the end. At what stage in the plants growth ( how old) would be a good time? And also where should it be done specifically?