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  1. C

    stems, THC

    how do you do it?
  2. C

    My first time in flower. a question about pruning.

    My personal philosophy would be to get all stressful things at onced to give it ample time to heal and continue as opposed to continually interupting it
  3. C

    My first time in flower. a question about pruning.

    Yes I would advise cutting them off. It may take the plant a day to continue growing strong, but ultimately worthwhile
  4. C

    stems, THC

    How do you make BHO? is it more effective?
  5. C


    Hey so I had a question. I forgot since my first grow, but when put into flowering mode do the plants continue to grow upward ( new node growth) or does the plant itself just stretch up ( meaning nodes become further apart as opposed to being created anew) and make it seem as if its still...
  6. C


    Hey so I had a question. I forgot since my first grow, but when put into flowering mode do the plants continue to grow upward ( new node growth) or does the plant itself just stretch up ( meaning nodes become further apart as opposed to being created anew) and make it seem as if its still...
  7. C

    topping vs not

    Hey so I know theres a whole debate on wether or not topping your plant's actually yields more bud or is it the same amount your original top cola would have produced? Is it worth it to top them during the vegitative stage or not? beneficial or detrimental????
  8. C

    stems, THC

    sound like its not worth it wiht the stems. But can anyone shed light on the topping vs. not topping debate and if topping ultimately yields more bud?
  9. C

    stems, THC

    So are you saying that even though its in the vegitative stage, the shoots still contain psychoactive compounds that must be extracetd via frying in an oil base?
  10. C

    stems, THC

    So, I know that after you smoke the bud off a stem you can cook with the remaining stem ( water or oil), but regarding stems that were pruned off of a plant in it's vegitative stage's, before any buds start forming, can they be used to cook with? Does it contain any THC?
  11. C

    problem with flys

    dude. They start to flower when you tell them too. since your growing inside, you control the seasons ( which is what tells them to flower). I would give it another month at least until you flower. and remember, only females are going to flower so......
  12. C

    Which strains make you laugh the most? What's best mostly sativa Blueberry cross?

    First off, the dude that mentioned the effect of smoking for a while or often. It slowly and gradually loses its kick ( includig the uncontrolable laughter). In my opinion though, the strain that causes the most laughter would be bubblegum. When grown right, this shit will be covered in crystal...
  13. C


    Question about watering with sucanat. Should it be done during the vegitative stage and if so, how is it done? Do you just mix it with the water and how much? Would it really help in photosynthesis?
  14. C

    Questions on pruning

    tried it and ended up realizing a week later that te sowing string used to bend them was severing the stem. So I took it off right away its got like a ring around that spot now where it dug in . any suggestions?
  15. C

    leaf change after bend

    Afetr bending your whole plant, regarding the shoots that now grow upward, and become main colas, is it normal for the new leaf growth (mainly fan leaves) to at first be a little "skinnier & smaller" then before hand?
  16. C


    when you say sunacat on the plants, are you suggesting adding sugar to the water you mist your plants with? and also, do you continue misting your baby even when she starts to blom and if so on the buds?
  17. C

    Questions on pruning

    Still why is bending it over and the meristem turning into 7 colas be any different than just letting it grow up. i understand that the plant will grow upwards, gravotropism, but I dont see how it would crsate more growth than without the bend?
  18. C

    Questions on pruning

    If you dont mind humoring me, I dont understand how that is possible. Its hard to se the stem in the later pics but how and where does the "bent over" stem grow, and how does it create multiple colas?
  19. C

    transplanting time?

    WHat various signals are there of a need to transplant? for example the roots to stem ratio???
  20. C


    Hello to all.... Im a bit confused here Iver read that you should have a fan rotating on your plants often throughout the day to mimick the wind and strengthen stem & I also read that putting A fan on them will dry out the leaves. Anyone care to clarify this??