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  1. 29menace

    Hustla's latest, widow & rhino in soil

    lookin great bro... fems really bush now eh... it wont be long b4 jack frost comes lol... that male looks healthy anawe,,, keep up the good work bud..
  2. 29menace

    White widow and bigbud afghani hydro grow.

    here are pics that i took today with my scope n web-cam lol..didnt think it wud work but it has ,so here you go.. will take pice of the trics on the afghani shortly.. enjoy lol..
  3. 29menace

    Green haze ferts

    bump bump every1
  4. 29menace

    Hustla's latest, widow & rhino in soil

    nice 1 bro ,, hope it all goes to plan and works out nicely. cant wait to see the out come man.. later im going to take a few leaves from the plants in grow room and see if my webcam does the same job as my phone at taking pics thru the microscope.. i hope it does and will keep you posted...
  5. 29menace

    White widow and bigbud afghani hydro grow.

    the rhino was topped about a week ago man.. there is only one more node above the bit where i took the pics from and it looks exactly the same bwinn.. there was 5 nodes and i took 2 off to keep it low n bushy.. ive only got 1-18w 18inch florecent tube light above the rhino just now so it...
  6. 29menace

    My white rhino with pics

    bump bump everyone..
  7. 29menace

    Found some plants today

    shud go back n take a few cuttings. then that way if the owners do eventually return they will still have plants.... ide be tempted to take them all lol...
  8. 29menace

    Hustla's latest, widow & rhino in soil

    lol you need to let the male sow its oats b4 you kill it pmpl.. let it screw the life outa that widow.. up the arse lol.... mite be best just to brush pollen on just a little bit... that way you get the seeds you wanted and some grade a weed to smoke....
  9. 29menace

    I have a ?

    i veg till mine are about 12-16 inches and end up with plants around 3 foot. you can flower at any time but its best to wait as toastedoats said.. you will get a much bigger yeild if you wait a little longer and be patient. best of luck m8 hope to see you do a journal n show of your babies..
  10. 29menace

    Im really needing good advice..

    thanxs panhead. will keep it as is and play it safe m8.. your right i dont wana chance burnin them and giving myself another problem.. ive posted another thread about my white rhino plant in general marijuana growing. is there any chance you can have a wee look n let me know wot you think...
  11. 29menace

    Green haze ferts

    will have a look in mornin and let you know fletch thanx bud... has any one else eva used these ferts and if so can you please tell me a rough guide on how strong i shud be using them.. would they just be like other ferts and shud i just go with the same ppm reading that i use with advanced...
  12. 29menace

    G13 armogeddon, red deisel, hollands hope

    lookin good bwinn glad you got a couple of female g13. its supposed to be a dynamite strain. will be watching this one to see how they turn out.. i got close up pics posted in journal now. keep up the good work..:peace:
  13. 29menace

    Im really needing good advice..

    PANHEAD do you think i should i increase my ppm slightly. tomorrow is usually the day i change my nft tanks and would like to know if it would do any harm increasing it a little bit as the nxt few weeks will be the most important for bud growth.. thanx again man..youve been a great help..
  14. 29menace

    Two plants - One Pot?

    ive heard its not a good idea putting two plants in the same pot.. im not an expert on that subject so cant really help.. im sure some1 will come along n leave you the correct info.. good luck..
  15. 29menace

    White widow and bigbud afghani hydro grow.

    there a lot better quality.. you can see everything now..
  16. 29menace

    White widow and bigbud afghani hydro grow.

    its sayin invalid file type so will work on it n try n get them posted ..
  17. 29menace

    White widow and bigbud afghani hydro grow.

    got a few decent pics 2 min m8..
  18. 29menace

    White widow and bigbud afghani hydro grow.

    its crap is another pic but still aint to clear,..
  19. 29menace

    White widow and bigbud afghani hydro grow.

    i mite try my web cam n see wot kinda pics i get with that... can focus n zoom in so might be able to get decent pics.. will need to install it again so if i dont do it tonight i will try tomorow..
  20. 29menace

    White widow and bigbud afghani hydro grow.

    cant get decent pics wi ma phone bwinn.. takes decent from far away but not close up..