I have a ?


Active Member
:confused:Ok i will start of by saying i am a Newbie at this.. sooo bear with me.. ha thanks..... ok my plants are about 6in tall right now... so how do i know when i need 2 start flowering, changing the lights to like 12/12 or sumthing around that. any info/help would be greatly appreciated!!!!! thanks again!:confused:



Well-Known Member
Usually you start flowering 4-5 weeks after you plant. I start flowering this coming friday, im super excited. I have a post named "when to start 12/12" where i asked the same question.


Well-Known Member
i veg till mine are about 12-16 inches and end up with plants around 3 foot.

you can flower at any time but its best to wait as toastedoats said.. you will get a much bigger yeild if you wait a little longer and be patient.

best of luck m8 hope to see you do a journal n show of your babies..


Well-Known Member
Yeah, the patience part is really tough. I planted mine and wanted to smoke them the day i had seedlings lol. They patience will pay off in the end. :peace: