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  1. troyf

    harvest super skunk auto,s ?

    yer thats what i mean , there is hardly any bud at all. I started with 10 plants but 3 turned hermie so i yanked them out. The seeds where feminized , but apparently i may have shocked them and a few turned hermie. would that have stuffed these ones up ? could these have turned hermie as well ...
  2. troyf

    harvest super skunk auto,s ?

    yer sorry , should have thought of that. heres a couple of shots :
  3. troyf

    harvest super skunk auto,s ?

    Hi all , First grow , i got a few super skunk autos for outside. they have are days till 45-50 harvest. I started them early , march21st , so they are pretty small . they are already 60 days old , sholud i harvest them , or will they get anymore bud ? They are tiny biggest about 20cm , so just...
  4. troyf

    hermies from feminized seeds ... what now

    ok .. theyre gone ... stress over , thanks a lot
  5. troyf

    hermies from feminized seeds ... what now

    Hi all.... I have 10 auto super skunks about 4 weeks in. all have some flowers starting , but i just noticed 3 plants have bloody massive sacs. As they are garenteed females i assume that i stuffed up and shocked them into being hermies. So what now ???? do i need to get these 3 away from the...
  6. troyf

    4th day n humidity worries ... need help

    good point ... im on it
  7. troyf

    4th day n humidity worries ... need help

    Hi all , My girlies have been out of the soil for 4 days. I had bags on them for humidity n seemed to be loving life , however i was advised to get the bags off , so i did. Yesterday was the first day without bags n they seemed happy. This morn , unless im tripping i think the leaves on 2 of...
  8. troyf

    5 day old seedlings help !!

    looking good , im on my 4th day with 10 girlies n they look very similar to yours . Its my first grow so ive been on a full-stress as well.
  9. troyf

    No contact after ordering from Plant Photonics....

    oh god .... try not to stress , although i would be starting to.
  10. troyf

    auto flowering

    ok thata ecellent advice , thanks for sharing your knowledge. I knew it wasnt good to repot autos but didnt know why. So i guess theyve been in this world for about 4 days today , so ill give them abother few then put then outside. i think ill put them in a plastic covering outside though that i...
  11. troyf

    plastic bags on for humidity or not ?? First grow ......

    Excellent guys , thank you all so much .... well good to have experienced growers guidance .... nice one !!! the bags are history , they just spent theyre first night alone without the bags n are still happy as larry :mrgreen:
  12. troyf

    plastic bags on for humidity or not ?? First grow ......

    Hey, My girls are 3 days old and powering, i read that plastic bags over the pots act as good propagation devices.... a couple of people just told me to get the bags off ... so what happens to the humidity factor if i take the bags off? they are 10 autos n look super healthy but its my first...
  13. troyf

    first grow ... day 2 n im stressing

    yer good point on the ruderalis , didnt really think about that. Cheers for the advice
  14. troyf

    first grow ... day 2 n im stressing

    ok ill get the bags of , but isnt this part of hardening them( in fact i thought thats how you harden them ..... I read that they need the humidity ??? The fan is to make the stem more solid right? or is that part of hardening ?
  15. troyf

    first grow ... day 2 n im stressing

    Hi everyone , Just want to know if im on the right road. I have ten auto,s that have all appeared 2 days ago. Im going to grow them outside. I have them in a wardrobe with a warm and cool white flouro going for about 20 hours a day and a temp of 22-24 with plastic bags over the pots...
  16. troyf

    ordinary flouro tube for first 10 days and 20 degrees ?

    Hi all, Ive just germinated 10 seeds and have put them last night into pots with plastic bags over the pots (cheapest propogator apparently) . ive bought a normal flouro tube n put it into a cupboard that ive put reflective stuff in. I know its recommende to have warm/cool light but will a...
  17. troyf

    found a good spot , how do i prepare the soil ?

    Hey that's super helpful thanks for that , i thought it would be a case of just get loads of compost n work it in. The blood and bone thing will defo be a nightmare as we have heaps of animals here. The deer repellent is a beautiful thing that i never knew existed so im off to get some today...
  18. troyf

    found a good spot , how do i prepare the soil ?

    Hey all , im doing my first outdoor grow ,after scrapping the idea of hydro(need more yield) . So ive found a spot in the forest that defo wont be found by humans. Ive go good sunlight and a water source. Im wondering what the best way to prepare the soil ? Its already a re-forested area so the...
  19. troyf

    auto pounders in a grow tent ?

    Ok wicked , im starting to get my finger on the pulse now , thanks a lot guys .
  20. troyf

    auto pounders in a grow tent ?

    so do yuo mean i can get 6gms per watt + 3600 gms (10 plants) or am i mis understanding/ i knew it was altogether a bit mad to expect supermassive yiels from 10 plants , but whats your suggestion for the highest yield in a 10 plant ent / cheers