auto flowering


Hey all ,

Ive researched the best outdoor seeds for where i live . Maybe a stupid question but if i get autflowering seeds that have 45-55 days to flowering do i put them in early july n harvest late August ( this being the highest months of summer) ?
Does this mean 45-55 days from just after germination or do i have to keep them inside for a few weeks until they get bigger and stronger ?


Active Member
Depending where you live you could probably grow them outside between spring and autumn.Due to the nature of autos it's not a good idea to repot them so I'd just start them where they'll finish.As for 45-50 days,that's a guide using optimal conditions,I'd say to plan on them taking between 8-10 weeks,if they finish sooner it's a bonus!Good luck dude

Ps.That's 8-10 week's from seed


Well-Known Member
autos do not like to be transplanted but its not a good idea to start seeds outside as they have a higher chance of being eaten. I would start your autos inside but only wait a week from when they sprout to put them outside, this should be early enough in the life cycle to not cause problems. The main reason autos do not like to be repoted is the shock can slow down there limited veg cycle resulting in smaller yields and if the plant has started entering its flowering phase it will not want to put much energy into root development so transplanting to late has a high chance of stunting ur plant. the 40-60 days recomended by breeders are the bare minimum time it takes under optimum conditions to get a commercialy viable crop, for best results you will typically want to wait an aditional 1-3 weeks and judge wheter the plant is ready to harvest by trichrom color and calayx sweeling liek you would with a photoperiod plant. The big advantage to outdoor autos is if u have a nice long warm spring and summer you can in theroy have 2 crops between may and october


ok thata ecellent advice , thanks for sharing your knowledge. I knew it wasnt good to repot autos but didnt know why. So i guess theyve been in this world for about 4 days today , so ill give them abother few then put then outside. i think ill put them in a plastic covering outside though that i can peel back in the day as its still quite cold at night , sometimes about 10 degrees.
Thanks again