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  1. Eharmony420

    how much does running a 400watt hps cost

    my cfls for veg and clone are cursed, when i just run the 400 and fans i fine. when i run the cfls to i at liek duble! I guess thats put me over kilo hours! get 2 tents, screw 24/0, thats where i stucl. make sure u check what yur base allotment is. go over tha and u might easily and then yur...
  2. Eharmony420

    Al B. FAQt

    just to let u all know there is a peice at hd i just found for the 11 plant sytem to attach the 2 liter bottles. look for the female and clean 1 inch adapters, the 2 liter caps jam snug in. sorry to interrup! Al,any idea on whats better the 11 2 liter bottle ebb design or a 2 liter bottle in...
  3. Eharmony420

    craigs list?

    theres a chick in the personals who wants to meet for a one time stand in the locker room of her gym. think i can trust her? rofl!
  4. Eharmony420

    Al B. FAQt

    Hey A.L, longtime reader,i need to come forward and ask a queation. I have 2 ebb systems built. i ready to move one in to my flower room. I a nub. my grow is evolving and i almost "there" for my taste. (fornow lol). One is the 11 plant 2 liter plan everyone can see on the net. the other is...
  5. Eharmony420

    my latest, for sure design. this is iT! lol

    :joint:well i just put together the 11 plant 2 liter bottle contraption and it looks beautiful. it cost around 30 sollars id say for parts, or less, thats less the 370 gph pump i already had for 25 dollars free shipping off ebay and the 15 dollar 15 min oncrement timer i got there too, free...
  6. Eharmony420

    my latest, for sure design. this is iT! lol

    i"ll post the results for fun
  7. Eharmony420

    my latest, for sure design. this is iT! lol

    anybody like this, i going for it in the mornig. right now actually. trying to check it for flaws right now in my head. maybe the bottles will fall over?
  8. Eharmony420

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    This the best thread i have read yet. U have really inspired someone sitting here with all the makings of sveral systems and stuck as too which one! 'bout to change my mind and head over to your camp. I can see u dont use a nft mat. I guess thats becasue u primarily rely on aero? i subscribed...
  9. Eharmony420

    craigs list?

    dh hydroponic is the cheapest place for trays i hav ever nuy of craigs list in a sec if the deal was good enuf. other wise going new, but yu gotta wonder about meeting someone who has 6 100 watters and 8 ebb table for sale, slightly used "wiill help with grow setups". lol. if i was a...
  10. Eharmony420

    Tell me what u think, please?

    also it will work as so, form the mature mother come 10 clones, they root, then i veg them for a few weeks 2 at most, then in they go to flower. when they get close to being done i cut more clones so when the first batch is harvest a whole new set is going into veg under metal halide. :) i...
  11. Eharmony420

    Tell me what u think, please?

    this is gonna be my next setup. my real first grow. 1 2x4 ebb and flo tray. 1 400 watt mh/hps. 10 5x5x7 pots. 1 20 gallon reservoir. 10 clones. 1 mother under 150 hps. 4x4x6.5 tent. 6 inch inline fan. aircooled hood. duct reducer. homeade carbon filter. tire mucl medium for ebb flowers and dwc...
  12. Eharmony420

    foggers irrigation heads per plant?

    lol, i got a lot to learn tonight. i gonna complete it tomorow. i just read join cheif other post and i got some ideas, he got some good ideas. ty, i gona ponder that, and wonder if nutrients will be hasle
  13. Eharmony420

    foggers irrigation heads per plant?

    do they have to hit the whole plant root. i mena doe sit have to be drenched or are hitting certian area ok. like top and middel. how delicate is the matter of root watering. and is this realy a glorified drip sytem as i have herd it described? i am thinking with the oxygen mixing with the...
  14. Eharmony420

    foggers irrigation heads per plant?

    the pump is 370 gph and quality. i have been toying with the misters and th pump with 1/2 tubing cover it all to any lenght. i am nervouse tho. i cant take it if i fuck up the second grow, so i am also thinking about an ebb plan. i cant find a good tray system so imight just order one. i...
  15. Eharmony420

    foggers irrigation heads per plant?

    im excited i just got the fooger heads from tor garden at hd to finish my aero setup! i gotta know tho how nuch water does one plants roo system need? is it a whole lot or will one sprayer be good for each root system? please help! i a first time aero so any advice, for insatnce any aero...
  16. Eharmony420

    Electric bills and wattage

    i got everything turned off but lap top
  17. Eharmony420

    Electric bills and wattage

    i having the same prob as you in south. i have 400 eatt hps and the fans and timers and air stones. i thinking of buying a digi ballast and a t5. the digi they say saves money! I made the stupid mistake of spending 30 bucks on a 150 hps fo rthe mothers. sucks the price was right but the...
  18. Eharmony420

    Is marijuana a fruit or vegetable?

    have u seen the leaves up close? now i know why they say it chew up your stomach!
  19. Eharmony420

    Opiates, anyone?

    tramadol, ultram, help with withdrawls.
  20. Eharmony420

    Opiates, anyone?

    the sad thing is the doctors will give me all the opiates i need but if they find out i use weed they will refuse me my liver transplant. dead serious, they showed me an example how they let a guy die on the table becasu 5 months 28 days before he had tested positive for marijauna. they put...