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  1. Eharmony420


    Lol, mister heads google anywhere on the net, make sure they go 360 degrees and are made for low pressure applications. Not hard to spot. Home depot has recycled tire mulch perfect for hydor medium and cheap. I love it, tho i just started using it yesterday with a practice clone! Better than...
  2. Eharmony420


    I going mister. I just ordered some mister heads and nexxt is the pump. I played around with some setups and found aeroponic is gonna be easy and fun. Go to had they got everything there but a good pump and Mister heads. Try the pvc isle for all the fun parts and lok in the garden section, i...
  3. Eharmony420

    Newbie wants a second opinion.

    Yo mr fishy i a hemingway fanatic. BAMN!
  4. Eharmony420

    Newbie wants a second opinion.

    Keep a loose fan on them. I say this with a smile becasue i cooling a 400 watt dif and cooling the cfls i just put a fan on them and bam no heat. The first time i tried it i was like , nah, must be a fluke! Dont i need a nother 300 dollar duct system too now, lol. Seriously good luck u...
  5. Eharmony420

    clear/coudy trichomes but all white hairs!

    I'd go with the trichromes!
  6. Eharmony420

    clear/coudy trichomes but all white hairs!

    Ive heard of white strains wher the hairs never turn and you have to go by the trichomes. If the trichomes are going dark then u know u gotta harvest. Their are so many whote strains i read about maybe u got one, i am not sure if this exactly right but i have read about them. Whay is yut...
  7. Eharmony420

    Darkroom 240w + 1600 watts

    Way to much light just for seedlings! I hope that makes yur day. I gotta say damn nice setup, i subscribed i hope yu write a journal, u gonna buy some seeds form a breeder? I running my first grow in a tent and my biggest regret and next purchase is gonna be a good seed collection. WAy more...
  8. Eharmony420

    First night of sleep ? (INDICA)

    I am doing 24/0 now and last time i did 18/6. I am doing it now because i dont want any accidental light to turn em hermie. This is afer i fig. No chances, also i got a big tent but that is for flowering, so nice tent. The reason i think peeps think plants grow faster with lights off is...
  9. Eharmony420

    Girls are you here to learn about weed?

    I usually put a girl in my avatat because i am growing girls! I did not read the whole post sorry, but uh, thats what i thought we were supposed to do. That or a cartoon! Lol, also well ...
  10. Eharmony420


    Make it think it gonna die to get a male. That it will never find a male, that life has gone chaotic, photo period interuptions, heat stress maybe lots of uvb light? or if yu want a female let my ex girlfreind "play" with it for a while that will convince it to never show any "rocks"! I assume...
  11. Eharmony420

    New tent setup - Please comment (w/pix)

    4x4x6.5 tent here, 400 hps, 4 pot dwc, euro venting hood, 6 inch duct fan, bagseed,
  12. Eharmony420

    Would this pump work for this aero?

  13. Eharmony420

    Sweet Tooth, Harsh growing?

    dont cut the leaves. If you do dont cut the top leaves. Lotta peeps prune the lower are to give more cola up top:) u can tuck the leaves behind other elaves. Or just leave them,*shrugs*. I a nub too, first gro a few months in. I read all day and dont cut is the advice i read most.
  14. Eharmony420

    Safety First! Growing/Moving Marijuana Safely!

    before u get yur light try to eastblish a high pattern of electric use. Dont go to hydro shop, often they are watched by cops. Order form the north east, they do more legal indoor gardening there- use prepaid visa cards-After a grow taper ur electric use down-dont tell anyone.
  15. Eharmony420

    i think my plant if fucked!!!PLEASE NEED INPUT

    same thing just happened to me. I jsut put it deep into a dwc tank and hope it keeps gorwing. It is a small clone.
  16. Eharmony420

    Serious question, EMERGENCY CLONE SURGERY

    yeah its a project tho
  17. Eharmony420

    Serious question, EMERGENCY CLONE SURGERY

    anybody? dont want this baby to be a varaiable in my plans. Wanna know if i shud cry now. I a first time grower
  18. Eharmony420

    total disaster

    I hear that!!! I been up to 99 and back with out knowing it. They looked like that ine the morning. I put the light out and moved up the light 12 hours later at light on. Also i changed the res and prayed. They recovered! Thats all i can tell yu. Ive her also that if yu give them 24 hours...
  19. Eharmony420

    Serious question, EMERGENCY CLONE SURGERY

    I have this clone. Here is what happened, not why. I went to transfer a plant in an pot full of rockwool cubes. It had been there almost a week. As i lifted the plant i saw all the rockwool had clumped in one mass. I have never seen rockwool in action for an ebb and flo pot. I thought they...
  20. Eharmony420

    Would this pump work for this aero?

    Would this pump work forthis aero, using what i had arond the house all i need is a pump i think to make this an aero. Think this pump could do it. How much gph comes out a shower head i wonder. I have nothing to compare this too Via Aqua 1300 Submersible Water Pump - Hydroponics Via Aqua...