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  1. Eharmony420

    how long for seeds to mature

    I new it. :(
  2. Eharmony420

    DOes hd sell mister heads(i got pics)

    ty. yeah i gonna use contact paper. its what i had lying around.
  3. Eharmony420

    DOes hd sell mister heads(i got pics)

    I decided for fun today to buil a 8 plant hydro system with some easy parts. Its aeroponic in nature. Very simple but who knows when i get the basics down it will be killer. I need however little misters or something i can ge at home depot. I poked holes in the tube and little jets of water...
  4. Eharmony420

    Advice on hindu kush

    I thinking of buying some hindu kush seeds, is it a good grow and good yeild?
  5. Eharmony420

    have to quit! tingling in arms legs etc

    U almost sound like me. I have alcoholic neuropathy. Ihurt like that thru my legs BAD! I using weed to help me sllep thru it. ALso it helps on the day. I take oxycontin for it regularily. I got it from B-1 defincincy. Alchol stops b1 form being absorbedm b1 is thiamine like in bread...
  6. Eharmony420

    how long for seeds to mature

    I just pulled one of the seeds about to pop off mine i pollinated less than 2 weeks ago. I am germing it for fun to see and i think it is starting to crack! A few of the pods will open on theri own early and i her even pop a few seeds out. Some look like they in for the long haul.
  7. Eharmony420

    Buds my secret garden

    Hey Nice! CAn take that last picutre again w/o the sweatshirt in it. From the same angle or if you can get more of the bracnches on te right looking like sorta a natural fence. Keep the weed at the same angle as much as possible. It like a some kinda old time veiw of weed, i wanna get it...
  8. Eharmony420


    I love superthrive. I dont if it did the trick but i got 100 percent success with cloens, no apparent shock from transplant and i think i gonna get it tattood on me.
  9. Eharmony420

    Almost there (new pics)

    She is pretty damn!
  10. Eharmony420

    What u think!

    teh 2nd pic i the heat damaged clone, small clones, my first try.
  11. Eharmony420

    What u think!

    sorry any cooments bout the heat damaged one, how it all culed up. Should i just let it go on like this, is it definatley the heat or is she malformed? I just bored, ive dont this before i never seen heat damage look like this, mostly they fried. Just pointign out wiht cfl i guess heat damge...
  12. Eharmony420

    What u think!

    Crazy difference from the same plant. Goes to show skill in gardening a big deal. I still looking for mine!
  13. Eharmony420

    What u think!

    These are 2 of my veggers. The one is looking like it curled up on itself from 2 much heat before i put the fan closer. The leaves took a few days but got all crispy. At first they just curled. Not at all like hid heat damage i experienced in the tent. The other had been vegginf at night in the...
  14. Eharmony420

    Some hair turning red and brown

    ty! that what i was looking for, u guys rock, rep to all thanks for playing
  15. Eharmony420

    Shit.....Was my order seized.....Maybe?

    U guys buy the stealth or just ship it?
  16. Eharmony420

    Hydroponic media for flood & drain

    hey al while yur here! what do yu think of tire mulch as a medium for hydro. Opinions on dwc, ebb and flo, wud be nice!
  17. Eharmony420

    I hate my seeded plant!

    my seeded plant is taking foerever to finish! I ahte it, lol. I wih i could just pull it and go on and veg her clones and flower them. Or just flower her clones and get some weed. Worst the seeded plant is so week with bud i dont think ther will be a gram to ahrvest from her. Lotta seeds...
  18. Eharmony420

    Hydroponic media for flood & drain

    mo shit. the upshot for me is i just found out all my new neighbores are totla potheads! MAybe we all grow!
  19. Eharmony420

    Considering a grow tent- size vs number of plants + lighting

    4X4x6.5 tent here. I love it. Its cooler inside than an open space is. I guess good control over the environment. I run a 400 hps with vented hood and a 6 inch duct fan with passive intake. Tent is the best thing to buy, i highly recomend it.
  20. Eharmony420

    growing regs?

    I assume yu mean seedy shit, like brick weed? Everyone i read so far, about 5 posts, has said they have grown killer shit form bag seeds they got. I got some seeds from some home grown, it was not bricked at least, and have put off buying seeds hoping it will be good shit. I enjoyed the stone...