DOes hd sell mister heads(i got pics)


Well-Known Member
I decided for fun today to buil a 8 plant hydro system with some easy parts. Its aeroponic in nature. Very simple but who knows when i get the basics down it will be killer. I need however little misters or something i can ge at home depot. I poked holes in the tube and little jets of water sprayed out ok but i want a mist. U can see in the pic. I want little hols on each side wher net pots are. In each hole iwant a mister. ANy one know if the got little gardedn misters at hd, i was just there and now i gotta go back it looka like, so save a guy some trouble! ty I am aslo gonna use this as the medium!



Well-Known Member
might want to duck tape that clear tub or something would be bad. hd,menards,fleetfarm etc don't carry mister tips. Only places I found that sell those are some floral shops,hydro shops, and online.