What u think!


Well-Known Member
These are 2 of my veggers. The one is looking like it curled up on itself from 2 much heat before i put the fan closer. The leaves took a few days but got all crispy. At first they just curled. Not at all like hid heat damage i experienced in the tent. The other had been vegginf at night in the flower room with the 400 hps. They are both clones from the same senorita. bongsmilie



Well-Known Member
Crazy difference from the same plant. Goes to show skill in gardening a big deal. I still looking for mine!


Well-Known Member
sorry any cooments bout the heat damaged one, how it all culed up. Should i just let it go on like this, is it definatley the heat or is she malformed? I just bored, ive dont this before i never seen heat damage look like this, mostly they fried. Just pointign out wiht cfl i guess heat damge sneeks up on you where sa with a hid by the cycles end everybody crisp