craigs list?


Well-Known Member
would you buy hydroponics suppleis thru craigs list? i could do either! give me some advice before i get myself busted.kiss-ass


Well-Known Member
Yeah man buy from wherever whenever man jsut be careful. personally myself i will choose to buy from only places with teh plain brown box policy. most places that do this know oyu are trying to hide something and they kinda help out.or they dont want to waste the money on boxs with there name on it. either way your


Well-Known Member
for sure, way cheaper. just check out the stuff and make sure it works first

i've got some CRAZY stories from using craigslist rideshare tho!:eyesmoke:


stays relevant.
craigs list is full of scamers and thieves.....

yeah... how many times have you been ripped off buying grow room equipment off craigslist? I've never been ripped off, always gotten crazy good deals and met really cool sellers.

CL introduced me to a guy who buys all sorts of seized grow room products and sells them for a fraction of the cost.

4x8 tray = $50
light mover = $75
air cooled hoods = $50
gallon packs of nutes = $10
co2 regulators = $75

^ thats some good deals in my opinion.


stays relevant.
save your money and buy new old shit sucks anyhow

how do used trays, co2 regulator, reflectors, pots, etc suck? just clean the shit out and it's the same as brand new. why waste money on shit you could get for cheap?

that's my opinion, I have more than enough money to set up several grow ops, but im not going waste money on stuff that I can get slightly used. i'd rather spend the money on clones, nutrients, bulbs, etc that are worth spending the extra money.


New Member
yeah... how many times have you been ripped off buying grow room equipment off craigslist? I've never been ripped off, always gotten crazy good deals and met really cool sellers.

CL introduced me to a guy who buys all sorts of seized grow room products and sells them for a fraction of the cost.

4x8 tray = $50
light mover = $75
air cooled hoods = $50
gallon packs of nutes = $10
co2 regulators = $75

^ thats some good deals in my opinion.
my experience with craigs list has been scammers and thieves...but if you are happy with it, I would say go for it...


Well-Known Member
my experience with craigs list has been scammers and thieves...but if you are happy with it, I would say go for it...
If you buy locally on Craigslist you can't get scammed, unless your not too brite. You test the good, give money, get goods, go home. Not at all risky. I buy and sell items every month on CL.:eyesmoke:

My only exception would be light bulbs unless they are super cheap.


Well-Known Member
yeah... how many times have you been ripped off buying grow room equipment off craigslist? I've never been ripped off, always gotten crazy good deals and met really cool sellers.

CL introduced me to a guy who buys all sorts of seized grow room products and sells them for a fraction of the cost.

4x8 tray = $50
light mover = $75
air cooled hoods = $50
gallon packs of nutes = $10
co2 regulators = $75

^ thats some good deals in my opinion.
Word Up, we know were to get are shit more than all these fools.


Well-Known Member
i don't kno if a serial killer would be trying to sell shit on CL, that sounds a little too farfetched for me.

but really, how the fuck are you supposed to live your life in any normal way if you're scared of getting killed by all those random serial killers on the loose?! i mean if i was a chick i would most def not go to a house and try and buy stuff with out some protection there but..

it's like surfing for me. sure i grew up surfing in an area with great whites, an attack every couple of years...but the odds are so slim, and if you life your life afraid of shit like that then...well i guess it's a personal preference but sometimes you just gotta go for it

but i see what you're saying, fucked up people everywhere, gotta be careful

end rant.


Well-Known Member
i don't kno if a serial killer would be trying to sell shit on CL, that sounds a little too farfetched for me.

but really, how the fuck are you supposed to live your life in any normal way if you're scared of getting killed by all those random serial killers on the loose?! i mean if i was a chick i would most def not go to a house and try and buy stuff with out some protection there but..

it's like surfing for me. sure i grew up surfing in an area with great whites, an attack every couple of years...but the odds are so slim, and if you life your life afraid of shit like that then...well i guess it's a personal preference but sometimes you just gotta go for it

but i see what you're saying, fucked up people everywhere, gotta be careful

end rant.
avila beach?


Active Member
one mans opinion its always better to go with the new this way you know the history of the product some things used are ok i guess. lights and balists ,pumps, fans i would always go for new if you have a local grow store and buy there if anything breaks you can exchange no questions asked good luck
p.s be weary of craigslist there are alot of scum bags and theives out there


Well-Known Member
dh hydroponic is the cheapest place for trays i hav ever nuy of craigs list in a sec if the deal was good enuf. other wise going new, but yu gotta wonder about meeting someone who has 6 100 watters and 8 ebb table for sale, slightly used "wiill help with grow setups". lol. if i was a cop. . . ever get a laugh outa that!!!