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  1. 4


    ok cool cool thx for all the help i will go get some soil soon and then go to flower.. so i guess keep it where it is for a nother week and then swich...
  2. 4


    0ok cool cool no problem.. when do you thinkink i should start to flower?? and wont it stress the mj plant out if i put it in do a diff pot??
  3. 4


    this 1 no but if i can clone it the 2 clones out side and 2 clones in side and then still have a mother plant.. what light pattern would you say for flawering???
  4. 4


    0ok so i should only feed it nuts once a week and the other times just water?? i have been givint it nuts every day becz the soil would dry out bye the next day
  5. 4


    could i also use miracle grow once a week or so as well to get it to grow a little faster???
  6. 4


    ok thx and its not a clone its a seed. it was going decent speed of growth and know it just seemd too slow down
  7. 4


    what is a good for lights ?? right know i have it on 18-6. and 24hr 1s a week
  8. 4


    coming on to week 5 and it seems like it slowed down in groth. the temp was around 70-75 so i turnt my fan off so the temp will go to 80-85. what can i use to speed things up so i can clone and flower the clone or could i start to flower this 1 and could i clown it during flowering
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  10. 4


    2 23w cfls and 2 40w fluorescent, normal poting soil that the mother in low had at her house and maximum grow a&b totally high concentrate liquid plant food
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  12. 4


    so who can i fix it??
  13. 4


    2 23w cfls and 2 40w fluorescent
  14. 4


    on the bottom leafs there is a bunch of little brownish gold dots.. what does that mean?? dont have pics yet.
  15. 4

    Where do you draw the line-Is this smokable?

    ahahahahaha this is some funny ass shit
  16. 4

    will it hurt it??

    ok cool thx for the help
  17. 4

    will it hurt it??

    no there is no problems just want it to get bigger and taller
  18. 4

    will it hurt it??

    its been 4 weeks and i was on 24hr light then i whent to 18-6 for a week and i was j/w if it would hurt the plant or do anything if i was to go back to 24hr? the plant it only 21/2" tall.
  19. 4

    When to start flowering?

    mine are just about 2 1/2" and i have it on 18on-6off for the lights.for a week know. is that ok or should i go back to 24hr? or is 18-6 ok
  20. 4

    best time to start flowering whilst keeping the plants small?

    mine are just about 2 1/2" and i have it on 18on-6off for the lights.for a week know. is that ok or should i go back to 24hr? or is 18-6 ok