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  1. 4

    first time - is this a good set up

    i have never goten a seed yet
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    first time - is this a good set up

    sweet i will have to to do that..if i can get ahold of my dealer agen
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    first time - is this a good set up

    yea i smock.. but all the ppl i buy from thay dont know where to get seeds
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    first time - is this a good set up

    where would i get a bag seed from??
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    first time - is this a good set up

    o yea i have way more space then that. the light can go up way more.. i am about 5'8'' and my head hits the roof
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    first time - is this a good set up

    thats the only1 i have left all the others died like 2 months ago and 3 seeds out of 8 worked
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    first time - is this a good set up

    whats that?? how can you tell??
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    first time - is this a good set up

    this is all the lights i am using
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    first time - is this a good set up

    The grow space is big.. I do have pics but i dont know how to put them on
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    first time growing - is this a good set up

    This is my first time growing. The plant is 3 weeks old and i have it on a 24hr with 2 23w cfls.I just added 1 fluorescent light with 6 little lights at 40w each today.. when should i start the 18 on 6 off??
  11. 4

    first time - is this a good set up

    This is my first time growing. The plant is 3 weeks old and i have it on a 24hr with 2 23w cfls.I just added 1 fluorescent light with 6 little lights at 40w each today.. when should i start the 18 on 6 off??
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    top of soil drying out

    yup all good thx.. is there maybe somthing i could do to stop that??
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    jw about CLFs

    well my house was a grow house.. and if have it in the closet i blow breakers becz the house is 78 years old ..but there is other once i could try
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    top of soil drying out

    the top of my soil keeps drying out and i water it every 2 days.. and it drys out with in 4 hr. the temp of the area is 75-80'C.. what am i doing wrong?
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    j/w about CLFs

    sweet thx. that helps. i was told to do a 24hr light on for the forst 3 weeks - 1 month. dopending on the size of the plants and then go 18on- 4off and work your way down to 12-12.. is that right?? thats what i have been doing.
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    jw about CLFs

    yes that does thx.. so i should go get more.. becz i have 1 plant and 2 23w. but also i moved then into my coset for 2 days with 1 23w and a heater and it seemed like it grow a little mer then in my ""basment"" y would that be
  17. 4

    j/w about CLFs

    i wanna grow with CLFs j/w how many and what watts is good
  18. 4

    jw about CLFs

    i wanna start growing and use CLFs jw how many and what watts