When to start flowering?


Well-Known Member
Hey, All.. Got some bubblegums at about 3 weeks (8 total; 3 look a little rough). The 5 good ones have 4-5 sets of leaves and side branches about an inch long. The overall plant height is about six inches. They've really bushed up over the last week.

I really just want to grow my personal smoke and, as a forester, I know that every day the tree is standing is another day something bad can happen to it. Any guidelines on when to start flowering to produce potent smoke without a whole lotta concern about quanitity? I don't really smoke much... a half-ounce would carry me for a year or more.


Well-Known Member
You can start flowering now if you wanted as long as your plants are rooted! A loose guess would be if you grow them to 12 inches and start flowering for 8-9 weeks you should get @ 1oz per plant thats just a quesstamation but its there to give you an idea there are many variables to how much you will yield but hope that helps give you an idea!

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
I'm just gonna throw my 2 cents in here:

I always flower when my plant has 6-8 internodes (read this in some grow book, said that at this stage the plant is mature enough to successfully tackle the flowering cycle).

Also, it's best if pure indicas have 8-12" and pure sativas 20-24" before starting flowering, this height being also a sign that your plant is mature enough for bud production.

Expect indicas to double-triple their size, while sativas to triple-quadruple theirs.

PS: of corse, depending on strain and space available, these numbers tend to change. Some growers have fantastic yealds even with 12/12 from seed, with plants no taller than 1 foot.


Active Member
mine are just about 2 1/2" and i have it on 18on-6off for the lights.for a week know. is that ok or should i go back to 24hr? or is 18-6 ok


Well-Known Member
Great... thanks folks. I think I'll give that 6-8 internode rule of thumb a try.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, folks... I checked height yesterday -- my best ones are at 7" and they all have 5 internodes. No signs of pre-flower yet. So, I'll bide my time for awhile. This is so exciting.. I just get impatient.


Active Member
Can anyone tell me how much water to give my plants im in coco pro 25 litre pot plants are white rhino 4ocm in height im using a dripper system cheers guy n dolls