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  1. rustybud

    Newb's Own First Grow - AK-47s

    alryt bud seedlings looking well .. got 3 just sprouted myself, heres a wee pic its not the clearest typical iphone (shite) this is them at 2days old.. good job will be following this thread
  2. rustybud

    Whats wrong with my seedling? ( PICS )

    what light are you using and how close is it to the plants you could be burning your leaves if you have been mistin them 3/4 times a day
  3. rustybud

    when do i harvest

    i wud agree another week or 2 .. whats the strain looking nice .
  4. rustybud

    Flowering after 2 weeks?

    would be ok or even change your lights to 18-6 4 2 weeks save abit of electric and also veg your plants longer . bigger buds
  5. rustybud

    HPS Death Question

    wrd on the grape vine is dat the light dulls down bt can also start 2 flicker threw colours (red blue yellowy white ) i have had no problems out of mine like so dont take my wrd on it ..
  6. rustybud

    Booze while smoking?

    hahahaha been der dunn that .. thur was a night i ended up drinkin stupid ammounts of beer/wine/vodka/ anyfin going llol well it was abot 4 half 4 in the morin all friends are away home which is unusual, and theres me out my back in my boxer shorts lighting the bbq while falling threw chairs n...
  7. rustybud

    What would you do, if you saw a woman masturbating in public?

    jus fink 2 .. if dat was a guy masterbating on a train .. he wud of got arrested .. women all dey r gd 4 is cookin n cleaning and da daily sexual favs lol im nt sexist bt women r fuckin useless lol
  8. rustybud

    312w, CFL's, 4 plants, TV Cab growbox: GrowJournal.

    grow is lukin realli well .. i shall b keepin my eye on it .. shud do a journal myself hav 3 wee seedlins that sprouted threw last nite ..
  9. rustybud

    HPS Death Question

    life span 4 it is usually 10 000 hours do abit of quick fire maths so 4 2 grows using 12/12 4 8 weeks wrks out at 1344 hours .. bt if u also used da light 4 veg 4 4 weeks also 4 2 grows is 1008 hours so 2gether u hav used ur lights 2352 hours . so u shud get 8 and a half grows out of ur bulb ...
  10. rustybud

    first time how do they look

    mate clicked on ur on pics just came up a load of adverts for photo bucket .. if ur going add pics click on go advanced which is beside post quick reply under this text box .. den click on manage attachments a new window will open which shud allow you to upload pics ..easy lol
  11. rustybud

    help with growing - under a bed?

    i wud agree get urself self a dresser pimped out and buy sum lowryder seeds wud wrk a treat
  12. rustybud

    Using HPS from day 1 (is it suitable for veg?)

    deff hps is sweet .. im using a 70watt hps atm 4 da seedings working amazin .
  13. rustybud

    Whats wrong with my seedling? ( PICS )

    im not a pro like bt luk at the underside of the leaves 4 bugs and could b nute burn and with the curling of the leaves what way were they curling one of my plants started doin it and it was caused by heat
  14. rustybud

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    hey sweet mate 4 dat bit of info was pretty helpful . cause im left with having to use 150w hps (blue) and a 70w (orange). but also hav another 70w that im using to veg 3 more wee babies ( ww , bubblelicious , ice ) o once they are ready 2 flower i shall b hooking all three lights up .. so...
  15. rustybud

    What would you do, if you saw a woman masturbating in public?

    hahaha to be honest i would just sit in laugh at her .. jus shows theres girls with no self respect .
  16. rustybud

    best nutes in uk? (reasonably priced)

    nice nice .. what do you use for the flowering period .. just over a week in flowering and i am now a proud father of baby guirls so im looking some thing good to fatten them
  17. rustybud

    help with nutes.......F.T.W

    hahaha dint fink of it like ..fair dues , to b honest i wud say my tagline is directed more to b funny dan offensive.
  18. rustybud

    help with nutes.......F.T.W

    alryt everybody i am just needing abit of help on wat nutes i shud use for flowering, i am a uk grower so if any1 from here could help that would be a amazin .. and also heard potash is gd flowerin, wats tour take on this... thanks rustbudluvin
  19. rustybud

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    alryt everybody .. jus seen this thread 2day well happy ders other 150w growers out der , was freaking out loads finking that i didnt have enuff light bt it luks like i do :weed: in my grow room atm i hav a 150w hps bt its da blue spectrum light so it gives off a bright blue/white light ...
  20. rustybud

    white widow,trance,ata tundra - SSH to follow

    i hav bought aload of seeds from jus wanna ask a few questions .. r dey gd seeds and also how longb did it take 4 postage and packaging i ordered dem on fri past ...