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  1. rustybud

    free seeds from attitude? dont even need to order anything?

    does this work even if ur live in da uk .. if its only 4 quid y nt .. wud lose more muni at da weekends lol
  2. rustybud

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    welll its 1:35pm on a wed afternoon im just a awake abot 2 go blast a big fat 1 .. njoy
  3. rustybud

    Booze while smoking?

    box a bag a wine aka country manour ... always a weekend favourite 2 box's of dat while smoking mint ... every tym i drink i seem 2 smoke as well its law ..
  4. rustybud

    Just bought an iphone

    to b honest dont buy the iphone ... iv gt 1 an der shite .. deff get a n96 oven a n95 nfact buy any other fone ... dosnt have video camera ..shite can send shit threw bluetooth ... shite ders a few more fins bt nt going n2 it ... any1 wanna buy an iphone
  5. rustybud

    First grow attempt with 2 150W HPS

    alryt mate plants are lukin mint ...just a wee question .. r u runnin 1 150w hps 4 each room or hav 2 150ws in the same room .. doin a grow myself and also runnin 150w and 70w hps 4 2 plants jus put dem n2 flowerin and dey r lukin mint ...
  6. rustybud

    White Widow grow, 4 weeks in with pics!

    jus luked threw ur grow luking well my man .. i hav ordered sum ww shud b due in the post either da marra or next .. cant wait to keep them bad boys going . hav sum thai weed growing atm they hav jus went into flowering the other day and i hav 1 expected female just waitin for da other to lift...
  7. rustybud

    AK47,Blueberry,Blue Cheese,Super silver haze 600w 12/12 from seed. 2nd grow

    lukin spot on mate ... wee question 4 ya . see runnin ur 600 hps is it costing you an arm and a leg on electric .. im from da uk as well n gt a wee grow growing myself im runnin 2 70 watt hps 4 2 plants n its costing jus under a 5er a week and im planninng on upgrading 2 a 400 watt 4 my next...
  8. rustybud

    Estacsy-Your opinion if you took it(NOT PLANNING ON DO IT )

    your properly finding trouble reading my writing as i was writing in txt talk, saves time typing a more time to smoke. that and i im also irish and my head is fry'd with a spoonful of mash potatoe lol so folks keep her broadside .
  9. rustybud

    Estacsy-Your opinion if you took it(NOT PLANNING ON DO IT )

    your properly finding trouble reading my writing as i was writing in txt talk, saves time typing a more time to smoke. that and i im also irish and my head is fry'd with a spoonful of mash potatoe lol so folks keep her broadside .
  10. rustybud

    Busted 4 days after 420

    fuck me dats a bastard on stick .. sorry 2 hear abot a yr or 2 ago der my plants were raided from my mates huz gt 3 of my plants (2weeks till harvest) and all my mates weed from hes which was just havest .. n total dey gt abot 3 plants n around 9 o's of green ,150 jellys , a few e's abit of...
  11. rustybud

    Try To Explain Your Salvia Trip!!!

    cant brig wrds 2 gether 2 describe it .. deff nt a socal drug , gd 2 hav at partys and spike people wif n watch dem freak out hahahaha gd times wudnt do it again myself lik .lol
  12. rustybud

    Estacsy-Your opinion if you took it(NOT PLANNING ON DO IT )

    e's never takin dem again ... iv taken e's since i was young i first tried dem wen i was 15 and it was cherrys at dat tym amazin wee buzz off dem, 3 of dem wud do ya a nite, den started takin dem everyweekend 4 a gd yr or 2 until my head started 2 get melted so sort of like went of dem .. bt a...