Booze while smoking?


Active Member
What is everybody's favorite booze while they are high? I am a fan of beer, wine, or tequila. I don't like to get wasted after smoking, just a few to add a little diff buzz. Anybody else?


Well-Known Member
Get a bottle of Boons wine with most alcohol and take a fat rip off the bong but before u let the smoke out try to down the bottle I got faded like that off 6 bottles of wine and passed out on my friends porch...Cannonball


Well-Known Member
It's probably because I'm generally limited to what people can get me, but Jack Daniels, typical beer, and Hpnotiq are my favorites.

Oh, and I like to get tipsy, easy, but not wasted. Never thrown up, so I guess that's good.


Well-Known Member
for me it depends. on a friday night, i like to get the ball rolling with a good buzz from 4 beers, then smoke. i just get really upbeat and social when i do that (versus trying to drink after smoking, which i lose motivation for).

but if i am just hanging out, i love smoking then having a real nice beer, ala sam adams, blue moon, sierra nevada, or recently, shock top, but thats more of a summer beer.


New Member
newcastle, mickeys, OE ,steel reserve any beer but coors light...
jager,soco,jack,patron,vodka,captain and so on yea yea


Well-Known Member
I like beer or Cider.

I used to drink a cold beer with a spliff when I got home from work.
Set me in a good mood.


Well-Known Member
box a bag a wine aka country manour ... always a weekend favourite
2 box's of dat while smoking mint ... every tym i drink i seem 2 smoke as well its law ..


Well-Known Member
You can keep all that alcohol. I refuse to get drunk. I used to love it, till the first time I puked all over the living room floor, tried to clean it up, and fell face first in it. Woke up with a hang over so I was throwing up all the next day too. The house smelled like vomit for days. Just hand me a joint and I'll be fine.


Well-Known Member
You can keep all that alcohol. I refuse to get drunk. I used to love it, till the first time I puked all over the living room floor, tried to clean it up, and fell face first in it. Woke up with a hang over so I was throwing up all the next day too. The house smelled like vomit for days. Just hand me a joint and I'll be fine.
you dont have to get shit faced. good beer needs to enjoyed, not bonged


Well-Known Member
You can keep all that alcohol. I refuse to get drunk. I used to love it, till the first time I puked all over the living room floor, tried to clean it up, and fell face first in it. Woke up with a hang over so I was throwing up all the next day too. The house smelled like vomit for days. Just hand me a joint and I'll be fine.
hahahaha been der dunn that .. thur was a night i ended up drinkin stupid ammounts of beer/wine/vodka/ anyfin going llol well it was abot 4 half 4 in the morin all friends are away home which is unusual, and theres me out my back in my boxer shorts lighting the bbq while falling threw chairs n all sorts. cant realli remember much bt havin to wake up in find sick all over my bedroom window down the side of the house all over the back garden , bbq lyin on its side and half cooked burgers everywere was such a pleasent sight to see in the morin lol

awhhhh felt like shit all day to . swear i wudnt drink again bt ya always say it ..

nufin better dan a nice spliff and a glass of wine