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  1. Eharmony420

    pay day! time for flower enhancer! which one?

    just read that i can still use h202 with kool bloom and no probs. Now gravity and floralicious are bio active with the wee beastise. Nervous about floralicious also plant to add big budd. Is this alla little too much. THis is my firt time adding enhancers. Gh three part with micro...
  2. Eharmony420

    pay day! time for flower enhancer! which one?

    i am thinking about hydroguard, kool bloom, gravity, and big bud. do you think this will be good? I will use gravity later like in 3 weeks. I dont know about big bud, and floralicious plus i still got some good advice to use. Kool bloom looks cool, and hydroguard sounds fun. If i am...
  3. Eharmony420

    Northern lights from marijauna nl, diferent smells?

    this is my first time with them and indeed my first real grow with some seeds whos genetics I want to know about. It is the comoany that was giving away five free afghan mazars and now its is a haze something with every order. Has a girl naked almost on the site
  4. Eharmony420

    Northern lights from marijauna nl, diferent smells?

    I have 6 northern lights from marijauna nl growing. I am seeing diferent patterns in some of the plants. some are just botched. rofl. I am also seeing diferetn smells. Half smell like bug spray or something. I am not sure how I should describe it? I think this is the norhtern lights smell...
  5. Eharmony420

    pay day! time for flower enhancer! which one?

    thank you. i also read that some of the enhancers have to be used with others. any one got the skinny on this. I gather that is just recomended. i swear i read that gravity and bushmaster should go? mi gotta read that again, anyone know anything about dark energy?
  6. Eharmony420

    Dark period before flower?

    I missed the dar period but 2 days later i had sex signs female on 2 girls and 2 males i think forming. I vegged 5-6 weeks, and the buds are nicely beginning. I wish i coulda had the drak period i was willing. Some one told me no. Lol.
  7. Eharmony420

    pay day! time for flower enhancer! which one?

    I got some girls 1 wwek almost in flower, more like 4 days. I want to add a flower boster. I am using gh harwater micro, gh grow , gh bloom. I heard floralicious, gravity, purplmaxx, and bush master. I am in a quandry, I wanted to use floralicious most. But i read it is orgainc wiht...
  8. Eharmony420

    Ona Gel/HEPA/Carbon Scrubber for Apartment Grow

    i hear that. i got a 6 inch gro brite from htg for like 79 and a fan filter combo for 60 off ebay. They both work real well and when i come home to my apt i thang god i got no smell. It gets bad. part of the sport. odor control:joint:
  9. Eharmony420

    Fan leaves

    no,tuc them if you have too. that will do fine. fan leaves generate energy for your plant and cutting too much will harm them. tuck away.
  10. Eharmony420

    overwater= stress... then hydro is???

    Your plants dont ever get overwatered really, they get under oxygenated. When you ater em too much in soil they cdrown in unoxygenated soil, no air in the dirt. In hydro they are constantly being given air. That is what it is all about getting more air to the roots. The airstone gives the...
  11. Eharmony420

    FUCK!!!!plants was def a male but!!!

    describe better your setup. how did they topple over under a 400. were they stretched? did you have a fan on them? were they sic? are you sure they are males? what is the age and the time cuz i am lost here, lol. I want to here more of your tale.
  12. Eharmony420

    will i get threw vegging with 2 24" t8's

    how many lumens? I doubt it. I think t8 would give you together lie 5k lumes. You want like tha for each plant man. You could but you get a bunch of cfls at 2000 lumens each or a couple of t5s for like 70 dollars that give you at least 10k along the 2 feet or you could get a 150 hps for...
  13. Eharmony420


    i think a few years ago i was paying 20 or so dollars a vial for ketamine in mexico. I would then put it in a pot pouri croc pot deal overnight and gently warm off all the liquid. They use a hairdrier on jack ass and a plate of glass. I snorted like a hell of a lot one day and was the...
  14. Eharmony420


    lsd, still in love. But it's been years. Soon. . .
  15. Eharmony420

    Will a Closet Grow Make my Clothes Stink?

    buy that 99 dollar ebay tent. if you can afford all that drycleaning you can pony up for that.
  16. Eharmony420

    Huge Led grow light

    i like the phrase "stand alone dope lights"
  17. Eharmony420

    Carbon Scrubber help!!

    uh my girls vegging wreaked! Even my clones wreak! I would get 2 if I were you.
  18. Eharmony420

    If clones begin to wilt they did not root correct?

    ok if you dont have a 26 watt cfl 6500k? seriously they like a dollar, i assume you already got this light?
  19. Eharmony420

    Flora Kleen & Flora Shield

    hydroguard by botanicare contains active bacteria to do what h202 does. h202 will kill it though. SUpposed to work well. google it, it is like 5 clicks down the page.
  20. Eharmony420

    *** Online Growing School 101 ***

    i will be following, i cant start another grow method now though, i am in the same boat as king. I am going to beat king. Rofl, jk I wil remain small as a med grower. lst, 6 plants, ebb and flow, possibly scrog. Good luck all. I always need advice. lol.\\ Von Dank is a good teacher gents.