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  1. Eharmony420

    Feminized seeds germinate quicker?

    i ahd mine germed and showing growth in rw in on day! Fem cheese seed from greenhouse. Not growth outa the rw that took like a week but growth in rw, wow.
  2. Eharmony420

    waterfarms 1.5 in rw seedling timer for drip

    i am about to put a cheese seedling sprouting in rw into a waterfarm. I have never used a waterfarm. I am wondering if i should let it drip permently or should i time the water to drip for half on half off or some other timer cycle. Please i could use any help. ty, reps for all. I had a...
  3. Eharmony420

    Hydro Nutrient Challenge

    I just got some widow cindys. I gonna try and work a female into my op. It is legal so it gonna be tight but I excited about a white widow cross. Have not read much op cindy but now I can buy purple max too. I growing northern lights. I got gh 3 part with the hardwater micro. Hydroguard...
  4. Eharmony420

    Hermie, male here, female there, is this right, how do i clone her or deal.

    thank you. i might get 4 girls it looks like plus a fem seed sprouted, plus i just got some widow cindy seeds/ a cross between white widow and purple cindy! So good day. Plus i got a xanax with ym name hehe.
  5. Eharmony420

    pay day! time for flower enhancer! which one?

    right on ty, here is anoterh link to a thread wear a guy says he uses kool bloom and big bud together. Remember i read on another forum kool bloom def hermies just use under half a teaspoon a gallon. Fulvic acid i gotta reserch. I read on...
  6. Eharmony420

    pay day! time for flower enhancer! which one?

    i think this is positive! rofl, thank you. Beasters? nig? Hell yeah i gotta say
  7. Eharmony420

    pay day! time for flower enhancer! which one?

    just been reading that kool bloom def causes hermies if used more than 1tsp a gallon. USe less than half a teaspoon and no probs, fatten right up! SO good luck to us all.
  8. Eharmony420

    pay day! time for flower enhancer! which one?

    ok. h202 will kill al the beneficial bacteria i plan on adding. Also it is supposedly a little harmful to overall pplant health compared to hydroguard. I just getting the hang of h202 but i want the benficial microbes for fun so hdroguard. i also want to ass gravity and flora licious plus...
  9. Eharmony420

    Hermie, male here, female there, is this right, how do i clone her or deal.

    I have a plant that had definate female sex signs on some branches and definate balls on some some sites. They are their first week in flower after a 6 week veg. What should i do. I want clones of all the females i have. Looking for a good mother. THis plant is an awesome grower. Huge! Could i...
  10. Eharmony420

    so 12 plants 2 females. ow.

    now i gotta fig out a follproof way of transplanting these into 4 in rw cubes. i am thinking about taking 1.5 inch cubes and making a slit in the sides and wrapping them around the stalks of the clones and putting them neatly in the holes in the 4 inchers.
  11. Eharmony420

    so 12 plants 2 females. ow.

    i almost lost all the clones due to rockwool first attempts. Hehe did everything i could to save but that was my undoing, prob get it right now. Thank god i pulled frsh female clones from the first few days of flower and put them in a dwc cloner, i have had good results with these in the past.
  12. Eharmony420

    so 12 plants 2 females. ow.

    looks like it. 12 plants and only 2 females. this sucks. not def positive but it looks like they all balls. I just wanted to vent. These are northern lights and mazar afghan from marijauan nl. Not there fault i am sure but lame!!!:evil: Well i got a fem cheese seedling slowly going and 6...
  13. Eharmony420

    so does everyone agree w/ 17/7 during veg?

    too little light and they will start to flower. same with quantity of light. not enough and they will start to flower. Give it at least 18/6. Though for all reasons 24/0 makes most sense to me, sorry man, but you will have a lot more fun being able to visit them whenever you want. No chance of...
  14. Eharmony420

    Purchasing a Hydro system

    you need a tent, then you will be kosher. Closet is bad idea. Tent is perfect, and less an imposition than a mangled cloeset. It tried closet and the temp was imposiible to get venting right with big room fans pushing and pulling. Tent is cake, it is made to vent. One 1000 should do you...
  15. Eharmony420

    pay day! time for flower enhancer! which one?

    to answer the cost question i shopped around. I bought hydrgoguard ebay. They are not selling it the hydroguard web site says anywhere else for a while. I bough kool bloom ebay too. Chepaest there. I bought big bud at hid hut. I spent 60 dollars for hydroguard, kool bloom, and big bud...
  16. Eharmony420

    vegging t5 ficture, opinions?

    I am sure you have all seen it, that t5 ficture from htg for 70 dollars.It is a trustworthy 10k lumens of 6500k. I plan to veg 6 lstd plants for a 5 week period and i got a erfect small grow cab ready and just wondering if this would be ok...
  17. Eharmony420

    pay day! time for flower enhancer! which one?

    i bought hydroguard, kool bloom, big bud, later i will add gravity.
  18. Eharmony420

    pay day! time for flower enhancer! which one?

    certified abortionist thank you and plus reps, my last post hit before you started tow write lol, we werer typing at the same time. hehe +++ reps to you. yes i might go organic. I see no reason not too. Still confused about floralicios. i beleive you, saying it bad but other sites rave...
  19. Eharmony420

    pay day! time for flower enhancer! which one?

    howard marks, victor vicious, caddy luck? you guys know your sit lol. I am using 4 inch rokwool cubes in 5.25 inch sqarepots packoed with mini cubes. I flood about every other day for 2 minutes. i am a week in flower. i want to add some enhancers. I curr use gh 3 part with flora micro...