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  1. Eharmony420

    1000 Watt -MH -Coated -3800K Flowering?

    wow says 105 k lumens. idk at all about that coating. i wonder too. could be cool if you only got a 1000mh. What does a normal 1000 watter mh put out? That looks like the lumens of of a 600 hps. That is depressing. Lol I never checked that but I know that is lower. Anyway I dont know man...
  2. Eharmony420

    Metal Halide problems

    nah, declare war on china! lol:hug:
  3. Eharmony420

    Can one be gay and not know it?

    dude at work was married and hitting on other gus. was offering pills and a good time to a teenager.
  4. Eharmony420

    Rockwool showing mold

    I never worked with mylar but as long as light does not get through it then that would work. The algae comes from light, no light no more ability to live and in few days death.
  5. Eharmony420

    Rockwool showing mold

    Yeah, I have some experiece on what to do. I merely covered it up with something. That is i put a peice of cardboard with a hole in it over the cube and in a few days the green stuff died. It needs light to survive. Dont worry, but watch out for fungus knats. They love the green for their...
  6. Eharmony420

    Hydroponics Question and Answer NewGrowth Style

    new growth, senor, ever grow in 4 inch rockwool cubes? I have a grow going 2 weeks into flower. Looking awesome. If you have any experience you can share with them or little things learned I would appreciate it as the girls in flower are the only good or fixable part of my grow. dont ask...
  7. Eharmony420

    ~Newsflash~ there is NO such thing as Cannabis getting "rootbound"

    I did veg for 6 weeks in 4 in rockwool cuned under a 400 metal halide. The cubes were in 5 in pots with rw mini cubes making up the diference. I checked the roots on the males, all healthy white, and the 4 in cubes were barely full. Just a few stragglers coming out the bottom. I had...
  8. Eharmony420

    this technology is crazy ! replicators dont sound crazy any more

    i want a robotic liver more than anyting
  9. Eharmony420

    ~Newsflash~ there is NO such thing as Cannabis getting "rootbound"

    yeah, sorta, I was real loaded an basically I answered every question I had as I read the responses over in my head. So I had no uestions I realised and I had typed out a post, so i um, just sent it anyway, lol. Good nature. Cheers, drinks all arond. Nice responses. I seriously was...
  10. Eharmony420

    EZ Clone help???

    i added a little kool bloom 0-10-10. I have bloomblastic 0-20-21 coming.
  11. Eharmony420

    Bloombastic 0-20-21, anybody ever hear of?

    thank you roll it up for your help and advice as always. I will rep for the coooooooooooollllllsssss
  12. Eharmony420

    Bloombastic 0-20-21, anybody ever hear of?

    Anybody ever try bloombastic 0-20-21 bloom enhancer? I hear not to use big bud and bloombastic together. It is linked here. Here it is the next good thing. http For my next res change coming up 2 morrow i will have these in...
  13. Eharmony420

    ~Newsflash~ there is NO such thing as Cannabis getting "rootbound"

    This is the thread I have been day dreaming at work all day. I am growing in 4x4 rockwool. I vegged for 6 weeks. I am in 2 weeks of flower. i have been noticing of course more time in flood for the plants to get as heavy. Also underwatering coming on quick. Any ideas of what i should do...
  14. Eharmony420

    Hard Water

    Ro is awesome rem to use cal mag supplement. Also I use flora micro hardwater with gh veg and gh bloom. The Mix si a 3 part set of the most famous astronaut used nutrients and witht he hardwater micro instead of plain micro they acct for peoples hardwater with special buffers and such, works...
  15. Eharmony420

    Dark period before flower?

    Awesome reslults of this thread. It started it 15 days ago and wow! Thanks Mr howard Marks for for showing up. I got the last few days of reading to do. Just aquired a t5 for my NL clones and fem cheese seed mother, and the NL girls in flower, only three made it, are doing good. Huge growth...
  16. Eharmony420

    some kool bloom to clones

    :fire:I heard clones like some p when cloning. On kool bloom it is 0-10-10. SO I added a few drops, a good proportion for my clone container, to my hydroguard uperthrive, clone solution. Lol, these girls wont fricking root. Dwc, was three gallon rubbermaid, now a coffee can for more air. Ro...
  17. Eharmony420

    Can one be gay and not know it?

    grendal and his mom must die. Tribal law kill them all. Or hello southpark.
  18. Eharmony420

    droopimg bud leaves, takes longer in flood, 15 days flower, rw. Help!

    lol, tytyty. Hehe, yeah i know lol about the dry, in fact acording to grodan NEVER!!! let your rockwool grow dry, and like an idiot i did anyway. I thought I had it covered as overwatering was sucha huge prob in the beginnig that every 4 days a cpouple of time i could flood. Then every other...
  19. Eharmony420

    droopimg bud leaves, takes longer in flood, 15 days flower, rw. Help!

    Ty first anyone. Heres the situation. 5.25 in square pots. 4 in rw blocks with mini cubes making up the rest. 15 days in flower. 400 watt, gh nutes, hydroguard, cold but not lower than 65f. Good air, 400 watt is 3 inchs and fine off plant colas. The bud leaves on my biggest girl are...