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  1. Eharmony420

    im backkkkkk

    the whole world worried.:) welcome back!
  2. Eharmony420

    You know you're a pothead when:

    you know you're a pothead when you pick up a cactus and smell it. after bragging to your self how stealthy you are all morning.
  3. Eharmony420

    clones off craigs list, valued opinions please,ty!

    thats what I wont trust right off the bat, the purity.
  4. Eharmony420

    Dwc Grow Club

    I am just going over how to get my system completely set up. I am ebb and flo right now but I have done a "first grow" in dwc. I had not the right equipment but tooled around a little then and saw good resluts. I am trying to get a good yeild with low plant numbers and dwc seems the way to...
  5. Eharmony420

    Going Vertical: Construction of a Monster

    what is your feed like? curious + reps for your demo. edit:gotta spread it around/ lol.
  6. Eharmony420

    Dwc Grow Club

    Hey guys you have resold me on grwoing dwc. 5 gallon buckets are where I will be on my next grow in a month or so. I fig I will keep it simple and get 2 big ari pumps and 5 buckets with some 2 dollar 5 gallon sized net pot lids. Keep it as organc as I can too. one question. you think I can...
  7. Eharmony420

    400w Club-Show Off Your 400w Pride And Joy

    3 weeks to the day! This is northern lights. I know they look a little strange as only one is really healthy. 3 plants
  8. Eharmony420

    dwc is fastest? just read this I want back

    WHite bumps! I just checked my dwc cloner. My nl had got some white bumps. I raised the heat to 80 and bamn. hehe, just thought I would share. I lost 30 in rw, my first attempt, now i got some emergency clones taken n flower rooting. In a coffee can, i fig it dark with lots of oxygen.
  9. Eharmony420

    dwc is fastest? just read this I want back

    I started my first practice grow in dwc. The growth was good but I had nothing else dialed in. Temps and light was bad. I got the rest of the stuff dialed in but I swtiched over to ebb table. I saw slower grwoth I thought but in dwc I was going off clones so i figures that was why. ebb was...
  10. Eharmony420

    clones off craigs list, valued opinions please,ty!

    ueah i gotta look into this. my nl is dubious as an ongoing strain. I dont want to have to resex seeds. even regrow fems right now.
  11. Eharmony420

    clones off craigs list, valued opinions please,ty!

    I got a med card. I can get clones I see fo craigs list. I found the only guy selling and I have heard of his strains. They are Sour Diesel, Kush, and Chemdawg. I researched them and they apparently are awesome. They all look related too. Is this guy a fanatic? Lol, I want a good indica...
  12. Eharmony420

    Northern lights from marijauna nl, diferent smells?

    does the 4th pic look indica. Is it the leaf that makes you say otherwise? Man, I so much need an indica, lol. Is that seed place reputable? I lstd the plants to the ax so all those crazy top buds are the side branches lstd. The other 2 plants tho in the fron are some real botched up nls that...
  13. Eharmony420


    man blzn 07 is the way to go. wow is this a lot better. 08 is weak, what happened? that made them change. Dont want to offend anyone. but this 07 is my boat.
  14. Eharmony420

    strain to help kick opiates

    i in the same boat. immodium and benadryl and I am growing northern lights. Taper off your last stuff, in water mix your pills, and smoke. good luck.
  15. Eharmony420

    Northern lights from marijauna nl, diferent smells?

    2 of the three are badly mangled, the only 2 outa 12 i did mangle, lol, my luck, the other is nice but I hope note sativa. The company syasy mostly indidca. IDK
  16. Eharmony420

    What are the effects of 24/7 Dark for Flowering

    i got common sense to answer your question. They will die. " we were not meant to live" and you can guess the rest. rofl, maybe try to live long enough to go hermie? Go for a dark period before flower. As long as 72 hours. THeri is a great thread on that in advanced marijauna cultivation.
  17. Eharmony420

    Ona Gel/HEPA/Carbon Scrubber for Apartment Grow

    I am voting for the filter exhaust setup with an independant scrubber just cleaning the inside tent air. Well, that is what I use. The success is almost instantaneous, as before I startds c=scrubbibg the inbside air I could smell somethng cokming out the exhaust. Not now!
  18. Eharmony420

    Northern lights from marijauna nl, diferent smells?

    here are some flower pics on day 21 and some vegging pics. :weed: I am growing in 4 in rockwool on ebb table with gh 3 part, flora mcroharwater, hydroguard, and koolbloom.
  19. Eharmony420

    Northern lights from marijauna nl, diferent smells?

    i got them from marijauna seeds nl wait though I am smelling the same smell from my girls now that I have 3 in flower and have got rid of the 9 other girls. I admit to also having their mazar afghan and a bagseed vegging but I think what happened was that most...
  20. Eharmony420

    Afghan Kush Cab grow... looky looky

    keep posting, I am about to order some sfghan kush from attitude, pic and mix. Looks good. I have diying to grow something afghan. :) watching reps for the right kind of weed and growth.