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  1. rustybud

    white widow and the church

    aye mate i would flus the last week just 2 make sure ur fine as weed tastes gd . i onli done 2 big flushs wifthin 3 odd days and cudnt taste chemical im glad cuz my cheese was amazin ... long you left nw ???
  2. rustybud

    Outdoor grow 2009 Kaya & PPP

    na mate feel free 2 laugh im laughin at my self atm .. lol and nw my cd drawer keeps randomly openin lol ... well at least nw i no ... bump ..
  3. rustybud

    How early can you start topping??? + rep for good info

    as stated above .. bt i started fimm'd wen my wee plants was jus over a week old gettin it 3rd set of nodes
  4. rustybud

    The UK Growers Thread!

    is dat nt a dog in his pic
  5. rustybud

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    well lads it was a gdday da other day so i decided 2 take a wee trip up 2 c da outdoor girls .. jus 4gt how long the treck is, bt found a easler way 2 get 2 my plot straight up the river lol well bad news out 8 plants i now onli hav 3 .. i nw no how the wee hunter feels 2wards bugs bunny lol...
  6. rustybud

    Outdoor grow 2009 Kaya & PPP

    question plz dont laugh .. wts bump mean????
  7. rustybud

    The UK Growers Thread!

    is it even worth my while tryin as i am havin gd results from the nutes im using .. anyfin else i need 2 no abot it , went gt sum da day ?
  8. rustybud

    Outdoor grow 2009 Kaya & PPP

    dat last pic is quality rs more than 1 use 4 cannabis plants lol .. beaut plants gona b monsters gd job..
  9. rustybud

    The UK Growers Thread!

    aye iv seen potash in 1 of the garden stores i was in the guy was sayin abot spreadin it over the top of the soil a couple of weeks b4 harvestin. so would it make a diff if i started 2 use it as i already use flowering nutes pluz boost and also pk13/14 i jus dont wanna over feed my girls and...
  10. rustybud

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    wecum .. well ur first 2 cum on this thread wif an led grow .. deff hav 2 get pics up 4 us all , and hope ur temps sorts it self out lol .. gd luck
  11. rustybud

    The UK Growers Thread!

    so all dis tym iv been runnin abot lukin 4 mollasses and you can get it in tesco's lol ... is it worth gettin ?? wat ya add 2 ur feeds??
  12. rustybud

    white widow and the church

    na havnt used dat halo powder. im using bio boost bt also hav pk13/14 which i giv 2 dem 3 weeks b4 harvest, dat shit wrks a treat and with my whit widow i fink i left it 9 odd weeks andshe rewarded me wif sum fine potent weed nt the stuff 2 smoke while wrkin lol nt gd lol bt plants are lukin...
  13. rustybud

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    dependin on da size of cfl .. fink them 250w cfl needs a ballast. y da hell everytym i try 2 upload pics 2 dis site it always fucks me abot, i dont fink my laptop like me much wee shit .lol
  14. rustybud

    white widow and the church

    no .. i jus fought u meant jus 2 feed it nitrogen during flowering .. lol oi your girls are lukin well now startin 2 fat up nicely , ull prop find u will hav 2 leave it an extra week or 2 ..
  15. rustybud

    white widow and the church

    feeding ur plants nitrogen during flowering is jus gona confuse ur plants . it wo nt no weather it shud be growing or producing flowers ..
  16. rustybud

    white widow and the church

    alryt mark mate .. how r da plants ??? c dat question ur asking r ya meanin givin vega and flores t da same tym ... ??? or givin it vega while during flowering???
  17. rustybud

    white widow and the church

    2 b honest i found dat out .. on the label the measurements are far 2 high , tried tellin mark here that his doses are far 2 strong ..
  18. rustybud

    The UK Growers Thread!

    fuckin tell me abot itwe do get stroke 4 weed big tym ... and trust me its nt al far from it at tyms, mostly sprayd dependin on hu ya no .. gt 2 o's of thai green da other day and again 2 tonn a o .. at least it wasnt sprayed lol
  19. rustybud

    white widow and the church

    alryt mate wats da craic .. here a link 2 which shud help ya out .. and all it takes is to find the ryt balance for wat u r growing ..