Search results

  1. rustybud

    Any single (male) cultivators from SoCal out there?

    alryt my fellow scots man.. hows ur green thumb ?
  2. rustybud

    Any single (male) cultivators from SoCal out there?

    me givin advice dats a first lol .. oi it was legal that pic was taken in amsterdam lol so how is the man hunt going??
  3. rustybud

    12/12 to 10/14 2-3 weeks before harvest?

    same 12/12 den i stick my plants in2 48 hours darkness b4 harvest to max resin ..
  4. rustybud

    Soda Water Yes or No?

    alryt mate .. my mate does sort of like the same fin but sprays the leaves with carbonated water 2 feed dem co2 seems more gd dan harm lik .. would prop do it myself by i hav ways of feedin my plants co2.. hope it help .
  5. rustybud

    some bottem pistils are turning brown

    iv heard da same fin and it happen to mine .. i noticed the bottom of the plant was maturing before the top was , bing bong bang few weeks later out popped seeds bt dont let it put a downer on your grow fuck it just keep an eye out 4 seed pods .. never no dey might nt appear ..
  6. rustybud

    Any single (male) cultivators from SoCal out there?

    hey hey ... wat abot a 22 yr old irish man wif a god bod lol ... 2 b honest love i fink u r getting urself worked up to much abot having a boyfriend, going by your pics your a stunnin blonde you should b out enjoyin urself , living life den love will soon follow .. you will always find love...
  7. rustybud

    No fresh air - stealth - help

    4 co2 i use the gas pellet guns on timer 2 shoot 2o tyms a min ... a little of suumfin is better dan nuttin ,..
  8. rustybud

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    get urself to greenhouse when ur over at da dam .. cheese trainwreck strawberry haze jack herer , church, blueberry ders 2 many 2 name lol ... njoy
  9. rustybud

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    alryt mate . i do no that feeling i am sick 2 death of sprayed weed, growig isth way foward .. your best option atm is go indoor as its abit late for outdoor the ideal tym may till da start of june anywere after dat u will b losing out on sum fine bud .. otherwise for the indoor you can do...
  10. rustybud

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    mate deep breath and now breathe lol relax dude if its jus the bottom leaves turning its ok the leaves do die off during the plants life cycle. its nufin 2 worry abot at all jus pull them off so your not wasting any of ur plants energy trying to restore a dead leaf .. and for the 2nd pic thats...
  11. rustybud

    The UK Growers Thread!

    2 b honest mate i dont fink u will find many peeps hu will b up for trading clones unless you the people .. wud luv 2 b introduce to peeps hu wud b up for tradin diff strains .. as you can onli get certain strains threw clones .. bt ur next best option would to buy fem seeds ..
  12. rustybud

    how do i lift a susspension ban????

    ok i jus realized all my bud porn is on my fone and cant find da cable atm .. bt da first pic is big bang 2nd is ice the first tym i grew it which was grown wif 150w mh and a 70w hps 3rd is whit widow and again was grown wif the lights above since dem pics ivhad 3 more grows and i hav...
  13. rustybud

    how do i lift a susspension ban????

    fuckin ryt taffo so wat dat bud end up weighing out dry .. its like 2 ft long bud lol onli fin wif the big bud wat was da smoke like i am a real sucker 4 da heavy hitterss i like my mind and body 2 no dat im stoned, is it a strong smoke ill try n fire sum of pics of sum past grows ...
  14. rustybud

    how do i lift a susspension ban????

    tried bigbud last yr bt it turned out to b a male well dissapointed , bt am considering on doin it again wat was ur yeild from 1 plant wif it and wat size did yours grow 2 c im onli hav a wardrope grow so i can fit 3 3 - 31/2 ft plants in any bigger im stuck for size ...
  15. rustybud

    The UK Growers Thread!

    havin da same fuckin problem bastardin rabbits are munching da shit out of my plants went up to check on dem yesterday they hav munched on 3 of dem jus leaving the stems.. da onli solution i can fink of is chicken wire but to get 2 my grow spot i hav 2 climb my way over abot a miles worth of...
  16. rustybud

    how do i lift a susspension ban????

    that is well true mate, well if sum1 talks down 2 me they shall be gettin put in there place as i said the site is fr learning and teaching others not for wee 14 yr old keyboard gangsters lol . ayemate from the uk jus across the water tho lol aye jus finished my a grow last week was growing...
  17. rustybud

    how do i lift a susspension ban????

    no worries chum .. i see all the time on this site people talking down to others thinking there daddy wack, for an example i like to use txt talk when i type as it saves (tym) but yet iv had peeps giving me neg rep and leaving a comment saying you cant type. lke hu da fuck he is to pass judgment...
  18. rustybud

    how do i lift a susspension ban????

    i love the way people on this site make mountains out of mole hills. and im not refering to you taffo as you seen out your bann and was onli looking to get answers on getting yourself back online, were some of the peoples comments in this thread were far from positive, and in my eyes i see that...
  19. rustybud

    Post your nutes!!!

    biocanna range veg, bloom an boost with some pk13/14 3 weeks from harvest .
  20. rustybud

    Boiling The Roots Before Chopping The Buds?

    38 pages wise up folks lol