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  1. rustybud

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    alryt lads ... was up at my grow lastnite n took a few pics .. 3 weeks old whiterussian i fink it cud b less lol
  2. rustybud

    Outdoor grow 2009 Kaya & PPP

  3. rustybud

    The UK Growers Thread!

    sori 2 hear .... chinned
  4. rustybud

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    do ya no i was finkin dat da other day .. jus cum 2 realize if i was to 2 do wat i was plannin on doing that wud mean my wee white russian gurl wud b in veg for abot 12 13 weeks. the wee bitch will b a monster im plannin on fimmin and lstin it alot. jus make it in2 such a bush . lol and with...
  5. rustybud

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    aye my plan was 2 go and buy a few lowryders and veg that plant ther untill the lowryders were finish den stick it in2 flowering .. bt onli fin im worried abot is space ..
  6. rustybud

    white widow and the church

    giv dem another week or 2 .. get pics up n i will b able 2 giv ya a better answer ..
  7. rustybud

    rustybud's grow journal : white russian +

    alryt lads hows ur green thumb , well fought i may as well do abit of a grow journal seenin dis is my 5th grow this year and yet havnt made a 1.. so here it is rustybuds ghetto grow journal well anyway back 2 da l greengo, i would say i was what ya would call a ghetto grower in da...
  8. rustybud

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    alryt lads hows ur green thumb , well fought i may as well do abit of a grow journal seenin dis is my 5th grow dis yr and yet havnt made a journal .. well anyway back 2 da l greengo, i would say i was wat ya wud call a ghetto grower in da meaning that da onli fin i realli hav bought is my...
  9. rustybud

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    18/6 for veggin and 12/12 for flowering.
  10. rustybud

    white widow and the church

    it luks 2 me that they are seeds need a clearer pic 2 confirm if it is or nt ... look at it on the bright side if der is onli 2 or 3 of dem ya can always use them again 4 ya next grow and they will b fem . lukin well ..
  11. rustybud

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    aye i would giv them another week or 2 for veg, u will notice the da difference in growth nw ya gt ur light sorted.. ya shud topp them ..
  12. rustybud

    white widow and the church

    are dey fem seeds .. a guy once said 2 me abot how fem seeds can can produce 1 or 2 seeds while flowering which is nufin realli 2 worry about bt if der is more dan dat i wud consider the chop cuz it will b a hermi , and ders no point growing it as the thc will degrade over tym cuz it will use...
  13. rustybud

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    i graduated last yr in mechanical engineering ...
  14. rustybud

    Outdoor grow 2009 Kaya & PPP

    bump lol....
  15. rustybud

    white widow and the church

    need 2 get a pic up mate dealt wif a few hermi's da wee bastards lol
  16. rustybud

    The UK Growers Thread!

    im using the biocanna range which hav pulled gd results and also organic ..
  17. rustybud

    **flushing with mollasses** +rep

    i jus read 4 pages der ... and ur nt even gona do it nw lol tutut experiment lol im gona giv it a blast myself ..
  18. rustybud

    How to smuggle 2 grams on airplane to USA from Canada?

    hahaha well spotted guess hu's nt chinned enuff lol
  19. rustybud

    How to smuggle 2 grams on airplane to USA from Canada?

    does customs in the u.s seach everysingle person or hav dogs sittin sniffin every1 that walks past ????? been to amsterdam a brave few tyms and always been shit bak 13+ grams its a gift jus make sure its well wrapped up most tyms i jus stick it in2 a dax wax tin (hairgel) and den put the wax...
  20. rustybud

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    ur still running 24 hr light???????? y